Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [vb pp] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Another patient with a low fistula has had her pouch excised and has been successfully converted to a Kock ileostomy because of severe ileoanal stenosis requiring pouch intubation that became socially unacceptable .
2 Well , of course , she could get her hair cut and buy new clothes .
3 Meanwhile , both Franca and Alison had , after initial suspicion , adopted Irina , at least as far as amusing themselves by helping her to spend money on having her hair done and buying clothes .
4 Oh , cos Joelle was trying to , trying to work out if she can afford to have her hair done and go to the cinema .
5 His body flexed as he hauled the heavy bike up on to the centre stand , and her heart jerked and accelerated to a steady two hundred beats a minute .
6 A BRILLIANT young woman lecturer was crushed to death when her horse collapsed and died on top of her .
7 Her mind bent and twisted .
8 Her mind kicked and bucked .
9 She did n't try to fight the tears as her mind played and replayed the whole scene of Eddie 's last few moments of life .
10 Her mouth softened and trembled beneath his .
11 She was standing there in her nightie with a huge plaster across her cheek and her eye swollen and closed up , and her arm in a sling .
12 As he touched the paddles to the woman 's chest wall , her body arched and flopped , and the trace immediately altered , settling to a normal sinus rhythm .
13 Her voice faded as her body weakened and drooped , so that she seemed no more than the shadow of the eagle she must once have been , and a shadow that was losing itself in the darkness of a cage .
14 Carla stared back at her , every nerve in her body tensed and waiting .
15 Franca , looking at him , felt the old familiar rush of feeling as if her body advanced and entered his body .
16 Her evidence about being telephoned late at night on 11 January 1987 ( when her husband answered and passed the receiver to her ) was that the caller was female and that the call lasted three to five minutes .
17 Her great deception , that cruel triumphant power by which she held her husband trapped and blinded , was held in tension between the constant possibility of a devastating revelation , and the equal prospect of an indefinitely continued impersonation of a kind of moral perfection .
18 In Miller , in 1954 , the wife had petitioned for divorce , after which her husband attacked and raped her , causing her actual bodily harm .
19 And all the time the line of force which bound her to her husband stretched and vibrated so that her heart in secret haemorrhage , gushed blood .
20 The droning in her head swelled and faded , swelled and faded repetitively , and a black halo edged her vision as if she were only allowed to behold her world circumscribed by mourning bands .
21 She heard her name called and saw Alan Markby in his green weatherproof on the far side of the square beckoning to her .
22 Emily snapped her mirror shut and replaced it in her handbag .
23 ‘ You 're wicked , ’ her companion responded and giggled , gazing at Carver .
24 Her voice dropped and went toneless .
25 Fabia snapped her suitcase shut and rang down to Reception for some help with train times .
26 Her hand lifted and touched the medallion at her breast , as if warding off an evil spirit .
27 Her host stopped and nodded courteously to Ellie .
28 Then , as some car in the street outside her hotel coughed and choked and backfired , Fabia abruptly came out of the long reverie she had fallen into , and back to the present , to realise that it was Monday morning — did she think she was going to sit there in bed all day ?
29 She pulled the zip of her bag shut and glanced around the room , checking that she had n't forgotten anything she would need .
30 She snapped her bag shut and groped under the bed for her shoes .
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