Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Donna told her sister what had happened in Ireland , the information she 'd accumulated about The Hell Fire Club and also what she 'd found in the library in Edinburgh .
2 According to her watch she had slept for about six minutes .
3 He put one hand against the wall , close enough to touch a strand of her hair which had pulled free from the cap , and he imprisoned her in that dark corner .
4 Her hair she had hacked short with her knife .
5 But in her heart she had felt a pang of unease .
6 She had been much comforted by Craig 's presence in the house these past weeks , but in her heart she had known the situation was an explosive one and could n't last .
7 Her breast felt hollow , as if it were her heart she had buried ; but she could move and speak , still .
8 Leonora , wishing with all her heart she 'd listened to Elise and telephoned , instead of rushing to the island uninvited , squared her shoulders .
9 but erm like Vicky who 's got , in her English folder , this is Vicky Vicky , she 's got in her literature she 's got nine A's and one B and in her other I do n't know what she 's got , ten A's probably , mm she 's not going to , she wants to be a nurse
10 But erm like Vicky who 's got in her English folder this is Vicky , you know Vicky she 's got in her literature she 's got nine A's and one B.
11 Normally when she had gone well , it had been her horse which had received the praise .
12 She tried to tell herself that she had come here today to be cured , to return to the cold world of normality ; but in another part of her mind she had dreamed of this meeting , the apotheosis of the love affair .
13 Somewhere in the back of her mind she had thought there would be champagne and strawberries and maybe silk sheets .
14 Not even for Christine , whom she 'd found distant and uninterested , as if in her mind she 'd created a better place and preferred to wander there .
15 She thought that the spasm of pain would be followed by vomiting , as it often was , but by the time she reached her bedroom it had passed .
16 For several weeks after her wedding she had entertained the silly idea that James might look for her , but she was thankful that he never came even though he soon heard about her marriage to Nahum .
17 No matter what they had said to her at the hospital , it had been her fault she had died .
18 In her innocence she had assumed that when all those wise and holy leaders came together the Holy Spirit would put one name into all their minds .
19 Yesterday when he had imprinted his lips on her mouth she had had no foretaste of what a deliberate kiss of his could be like .
20 Mr Browning had expressed himself surprised that she had failed to recognise and acknowledge the consideration for herself and her well-being which had influenced their decision about Ferdinando .
21 It also shows that regardless of all her suffering she has retained some of her charm and kind personality .
22 She was a guest teacher at the prestigious Medau Teachers ' Whitsum Course in Coburg in 1983 and the trainers who experienced her work there have managed to persuade her to come to England to work with the English teachers .
23 She stared at him for a long moment wondering if in her indignation she had hurt his feelings , but his eyes were narrowed and she could not read his expression .
24 ( In the first few , more romantic months after her return she had shared these with Nigel . )
25 She had dreamt about him that night , she remembered , and in her dream he had looked at her with a smile of recognition .
26 I chatted the one grandmother , who hard hardly seen her grandson who has made friends with another eight year old in the children 's club .
27 In her fright she had begun to stutter .
28 In her jealousy she had taken her revenge in a series of petty actions .
29 Once inside her room she 'd called reception and told them to get the police .
30 Mr Ayob added : ‘ Mrs Mandela appeals to the media not to concern itself with , nor speculate about , her personal relationship with her husband which has endured despite 27 years of imprisonment and many years of exile . ’
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