Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [prep] him [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps she was still too much like Miss Harker and her kind for him to feel comfortable .
2 Meticulously , she sucked him dry , and stood up to open her mouth for him to see his seed swimming over her pink tongue and gums .
3 And the intensity of her longing for him to press his mouth to her lips , or to be roughly crushed within his embrace , was becoming almost more than she could bear .
4 It all stemmed from her desire for him to leave UNACO .
5 But she could sense when he was getting her ready for a match and stood like a statue , even dropping her head for him to clip her mane .
6 She turns her back to him to look in the mirror beside the cherrywood armoire .
7 When he let go of her to shut the door her impatience for him to return was almost more than her body could stand .
8 It seemed to come from nowhere , it transformed him utterly and it invariably caused her anger against him to feel quite suddenly totally inappropriate .
9 No , he wrote , because Diana herself does not acknowledge either that she has been waiting all her life for him to appear .
10 She looked at Tommaso Talvi in her mind 's eye , she adjusted her image of him to fit with her sister 's , she inventoried his features , beginning with the eyes , and redrafted them in order to see them as ‘ pretty ’ , she scanned his caffelatte pallor and his big hands , grasping the bread she had cut for him , she looked at his mouth , the purplish fullness of his lips and the strong teeth that showed when he grinned , as he had done , often , but without laughter , when the men were disagreeing about the possibilities of change , the chances of the election on returning the Socialists , of bringing about improvements for the labourers now that the franchise had at last been widened to include some people who were n't bosses , like her father , a music teacher with a sense of honour , of justice .
11 She held up her hand to him to say , " Wait while I see if it 's safe , " and darted back through the kitchen and into the house , listening in the big hall where suits of dull metal armour stood mutely by the heavy oak doors .
12 Mary-Claude was in Lebanon with Sarah having too good a time with her family for him to wish to cut it short .
13 Such was her exhaustion that she would not have cared if her traitorous purpose was emblazoned across her face for him to see .
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