Example sentences of "her [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Her patience paid off at last when she heard Miss Hardbroom tell the girls to pack up their books , and after much clattering and bustling , the door closed and the laboratory fell silent .
2 " There be our Martha lying on " er bed of sickness while her sister sits up in her fancy house twiddling her thumbs !
3 She begs her sister to go up to the top of the tower of the castle and look out for them , and keeps calling out to her , ‘ Anne , sister Anne , dost thou see nothing coming ? ’
4 He discovered she was missing on Christmas Eve when her sister went round to his house .
5 Her sister jumped back from the letter-cage .
6 Branches clawed at her hair and she felt like she had done years ago , waiting for Jezrael to catch up , knowing she was going to be late for school , but she could n't leave her sister to struggle in on her own .
7 But when she was over here , she sold up and her sister sold up at the same time .
8 Startled , he turned , but Therese had darted , scooping her peacock train up over one arm , back around behind the screen , to the side he should have been on .
9 She thought of taking off her overall — ; she was wearing one of Lily 's blouses underneath — only when it was unbuttoned and she looked in the mirror her chest poked out in a most peculiar way .
10 She let her cloak fall back from her head in surprise .
11 It was a black cleavage-revealing affair topped by a sparkling gold necklace , and with her hair swept up into a sophisticated style the older woman made Lucy feel like a country cousin .
12 He clambered over and pulled off the covering so quickly her hair bushed out like a halo .
13 None would suspect if she and I changed places , as it were — she wearing my apparel and having her hair dressed in like manner . ’
14 She was small and dark , with her hair scraped back into a bun .
15 Black silk skirt maroon blouse her hair done up in a bun draped with gold jewellery oh talk about looking the part !
16 A sunstroke did for her , and he found her floating , with her hair fanning out around her , her jewelled skin still sparkling like she 's alive — ;
17 She hated anybody seeing her hair dragged back from her forehead , even St Ives .
18 ‘ Mornin' , Olga , ’ she shouted as she scuttled towards her , a pair of rollers in the front of her hair sticking out like devil 's horns from under her woollen hat .
19 This woman I 'd never seen , darker than me , darker than mum , my height but four times as big every other way , her hair hanging down in a big shaggy mane that looked as if she cut it herself once a year , big wooden earrings in her ears and a dress down to the floor with embroidery all over it and her feet stuffed into ugly shoes that were made of leather She told us that She wanted us to admire them , because this was a big day for her , Auntie Muriel had got dressed up to come to the city and see her sister and her sister 's child .
20 To warm herself up she lay in hot water up to her chin , her hair tied up on top of her head , consoling herself with the fact that physically she was almost back to normal .
21 He had persuaded her to wear her hair tied back from her face .
22 Beside her , in a pair of jeans and a comfortable sweatshirt , her hair tied back in a pony-tail , Shannon felt like a stable-hand .
23 I just stand there watching her with her hair falling out of her hat , holding this dress against herself .
24 She wore her hair squeezed up into a ballooning Afro by the same red bandana that she had worn down on the dock the first time Trent had seen her .
25 Her hair flew out behind her , and the clean air struck her face .
26 Her neck prickles , this must be her hair going up on end .
27 " Sir - " she began , " I did n't mean — I was n't - " And she began weeping bitterly , her hair coming down over face and hands , her shoulders shaking pitifully .
28 He was used to contrasts : Mother taking morning tea in bed with an old shawl round her shoulders and her hair pinned up under a boudoir cap , her face sticky with face cream as he kissed her good bye before school ; and Mother in full evening dress decked out in false pearls , her eyelashes beaded with mascara , dominating the stage in any play 's Last act …
29 She was just a girl with a sweet smile and a pretty face , her hair drawn back into some kind of fishnet behind .
30 In spite of this , it was half an hour before she came downstairs dressed up to the nines in a pin-striped trouser-suit , her hair caught up in a turban of white silk .
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