Example sentences of "her [adj] [noun pl] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And when her maids had got her dressed and done her hair and she had breakfasted by her tall windows overlooking her manicured rose-garden and a green , daisy-starred meadow , she had nothing to alarm her throughout the day but the possibility of a visit from the formidable Mrs Covington-Pym or the awkwardness , as she took her carriage-exercise , of encountering the wife of her dear friend Mr Adolphus Moon who had made himself so very agreeable .
2 I saw nothing but her deep brown legs as she knelt beside me , felt nothing but her strong hands kneading me like dough .
3 It was unfortunate that at this period he was going through a protracted quarrel-by-letter with her and was generally grumpy and morose , especially if he had recently received one of her periodic letters informing him that it was ALL OFF !
4 When it finished , there was lunch and music : all her favourite foods calling her with their rich odours of spiced meats and pasta .
5 Fire raced through her blood , her slim arms winding themselves instinctively about his neck , the throbbing of his heartbeat seeming to echo that of her own .
6 She will be preparing to face the future , having come to terms to some extent with the loss of her previous expectations concerning it .
7 Pauline Simonescu looked up , her thin hands moving over the cards , her black eyes holding his .
8 She 's off , her long legs carrying her down the lane .
9 Staring at him , her beautiful eyes reflecting her unhappiness and hurt , she wondered if the whole family was warped by suspicion .
10 Suzie waits , her green eyes watching me .
11 Theda responded instantly , herself aflame , her own arms gripping his chest , her hands running up and down his strong back , as if she must feel all of him at once .
12 Caroline paced her bedroom , her furious steps taking her from one end of the handsome room to the other .
13 Chris Smalley had earlier come upon ML 2 alongside in the Entrance and scrambled aboard with his squad , but in trying to get her forward guns firing he was killed before she was afire and had to be abandoned about 0245 hours .
14 Lily 's machine continued to whirr , her experienced hands doing their task automatically .
15 Her lovely eyes reflecting her confusion and hurt , she wailed helplessly , ‘ I do n't want you here . ’
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