Example sentences of "her [noun] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She nearly lost a shoe pulling her foot out of the hole behind her .
2 Fran smoothed her notes out on the table , willing her hands to stay still when every bit of her was shaking .
3 She looked about her at the freshness of the morning , then laughed and , pulling her hair out of the tight bun she had secured it in to ride , shook her head .
4 Despite the sunshine , it was a crisp , cold day , and she pulled up the collar of her black jacket , flicking the long auburn mane of her hair out of the way .
5 Leith , having popped along to her bedroom to take her hair out of the knot she had worn it in all day , was having serious thoughts about her actions — inviting him for a meal , for goodness ' sake !
6 Rachel flopped exhausted into the long white sofa and wrote a long letter to Jenny , pouring her heart out for the first time in three weeks , telling her everything that had happened since she left .
7 Diana poured her heart out about the publicity , her sense of isolation and fears about what the future held in store .
8 We look forward to his arrival in Britannia again and Boudicca is saving some good legs for him , — in fact they belong to a soldier of the IXth Legion who did n't hear her shout ‘ Get outta the way you stupid git ’ when she was trying her chariot out on the new road .
9 The old lady took all her money out of the bank and made plans to leave Sheffield the next day .
10 She was still tired , and she forgot to take her sandwich out of the fridge .
11 She went downstairs , said good-bye to Lizzie , and went to get her car out of the garage .
12 The young man helped her carry her gear out to the car , stowing most of it away in the boot .
13 She handed him his denim jacket and swung her legs out of the car .
14 Then she swung her legs out of the bed and hurriedly got dressed .
15 With no clear plan in her head , she pushed her legs out of the bed .
16 Motion made , and Question proposed , That a further sum not exceeding £1,680,076,000 be granted to Her Majesty out of the Consolidated Fund to defray the charges that will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st March 1992 for expenditure by the Department of Social Security on non-contributory retirement pensions , Christmas bonus payments to pensioners , pensions etc. , for disablement or death arising out of war or service in the armed forces after 2nd September 1939 and on sundry other services , on attendance allowances , invalid care allowance , severe disablement allowance , mobility allowance ; on pensions gratuities and sundry allowances for disablement and specified deaths arising from industrial causes ; on income support , transitional payment , child benefit , one parent benefit , family credit , and on the vaccine damage payment scheme .
17 Her jeans were still on the floor , and last night 's underwear , but she 'd taken her make-up out of the bathroom cabinet and her toothbrush from the tumbler by the sink .
18 ‘ Well , of all the nerve ! ’ she muttered , and , yanking her keys out of the door , she shoved them into her bag and marched across the car park , head held high .
19 This movement , the single hard clear line of the throw , with her whole body behind it ; and then the complete turn in the swing of the throw , and her hound out to the pavement the speed and force of it , the skill , could never have been deduced from how Alice was , at any other time of the day or night , good-girl Alice , her mother 's daughter …
20 And Vasilissa stuck her feet out on the other side .
21 The woman took her feet out of the stream and dangled her arms between her upraised knees .
22 Ace was faster , however , and had her Browning out of the holster in time to fire before Richmann .
23 It was too dark to see much of the cottage when she did finally arrive , and , in any case , getting soaked as she lifted her belongings out of the boot did not encourage her to spend time looking around .
24 ‘ Diggory , help me ! ’ the housekeeper called out , jerking her husband out of the stupor into which he appeared to have fallen .
25 She had urged her husband out into the large society in and about Liverpool but the forays had not been happy .
26 She 's elderly and hardly ever puts her nose out of the front door .
27 Every time she put her nose out of the door , there he seemed to be , and if he was n't outside he was inside , making provocative remarks that were guaranteed to drive her into a fury .
28 Wheeling her bicycle out of the school for the ( official ) last time she saw Frederica striding away in front of her , past the still unlevelled Bomb Crater , bearing a satchel , a large paper parcel , two shoe bags and a paper carrier .
29 Rainbow says this coolly , but grits her teeth and takes her feelings out on the gearbox .
30 The girl stuck her head out into the main office and called across the room .
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