Example sentences of "her [noun] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To questions about tax and public services , the public responded as it did in the days of Thatcher : by denying her creed of the Rich Samaritan and countering with approval for self-sacrifice and public services .
2 Labour 's John Aberdeen talked to colleagues at the Scottish Labour Party Conference ; the Conservative candidate , Hampshire barrister Dr Paul McCormick , made an immediate and thorough study of the circumstances surrounding the removal of the children , and Frances McKie for the Scottish National Party was quick to express her horror of the Social Work Department 's actions .
3 With her recognition of the unusual role of sterling and London in the international financial system , Mrs Thatcher makes a more credible argument against participation .
4 With the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 , Florence Lees volunteered for war nursing and the Crown Princess Frederick of Prussia , Queen Victoria 's eldest daughter , made her superintendent of the Royal Reserve Hospital at Homburg .
5 If there must be a parting , Britain would continue to honour her side of the Anglo-American nuclear understandings : Holy Loch and the Fylingdales radar station would still be available to the United States ; RAF bases would continue to house US bombers ; and Britain would carry on accepting the risks that all this entailed .
6 But her command of the eastern seas was unimpaired , as is proved by the free hand she enjoyed in suppressing revolt on Samos in 440/39 .
7 Although her role is haunted by the memory of Edith Evans with her eldritch cry of ‘ a handbag ’ , Maggie Smith plays it marvellously , with her command of the withering imperious glance and trenchant vocal nuance .
8 Nancy Banks-Smith of the Guardian consistently one of the best writers in journalism today , first wrote stylishly about Hannah in 1913 , and in her review of the last film declared :
9 In her study of the chemical literature , Brown found that the peak of citations to published papers occurred two years after publication , and formed a Poisson distribution .
10 Mary Kingsley , her biography of the eccentric Victorian traveller , has more substance than Jella , in which the author retraces Kingsley 's voyage home from West Africa .
11 The genuine craft of Hogan 's songwriting is in her re-interpretation of the classic pop song .
12 Her traces of the smallest spider web ,
13 Those who saw the 30 yard putt she holed stone dead at the eighth , or her playing of the 18th , where she hit a glorious seven iron to ten feet before holing for her birdie , could be forgiven for wondering what on earth she was talking about .
14 Despite her discovery of the simpler B pattern , Franklin 's attention was at first directed to the more crystalline A form ; but by March 1953 she had carried the quantitive analysis of the B form patterns to the point where the paths of the backbone chains were determined , and she wrote up her work in a typescript dated 17 March — one day before news of the Watson and Crick structure reached King 's .
15 But as well as Carol with her pick of the best winter coats around , next week we 'll also have Katie Wood in Legoland and the hysterically funny Kevin Kline in conversation with Mr Showbiz John Millar .
16 This is not to suggest that today 's B Ed student is less competent than his or her counterpart of the 1950s or early 1960s .
17 To her dream of the real , I mean .
18 A tall , broad-shouldered man whose looks seemed to epitomise her dream of the ideal man .
19 Dinah noticed that the garden was tidy and well weeded , and reserved her opinion of the scholarly pair until she should have seen their methods for herself .
20 Sally-Anne gave the matter as grave a consideration as though he were asking her her opinion of the latest exhibition of Japanese art , or Beerbohm Tree 's newest play .
21 She was a quick worker and her knitting and sewing , her cleaning of the two rooms and kitchen , her preparing of the evening meal against Ron 's return , her visits to the clinic and her regular letters to her mother in Darlington to report thereon , did not fill the day .
22 Dorothy explained that they had n't given her any money ; she was here as a reporter for a journal whose name they knew ; her membership of the feminist abortion campaign to which PopCon had just made a large grant was irrelevant to the present discussion ; she was just doing her job .
23 When Darwin appropriated this evolutionary perspective , and the morally convenient notion of the survival of the fittest , all nature seemed to chorus her approval of the unchallengeable truth of these basic facts of human and animal existence .
24 Fabia awakened and , as she recalled her non-achievement of the previous evening , her mood matched the dull morning .
25 She did not abandon this policy even after the debacle at Athens , when her deposition of the anti-Spartan Pisistratids in 510 resulted in a regime even more vigorously hostile to herself , which she tried and failed to overthrow in its turn .
26 Her need of the steadying , mature containment of the Ryans is as clear as ice water , for there is much in her professional and personal past that has had to be relinquished .
27 Indeed her title of the patristic period , theotokos , the God-bearer , conceives of her simply in relation to him to whom she gave birth .
28 FERGIE may have found it difficult to learn Her Royal Lessons , but you do n't have to be a fitness connoisseur to see that she has learned a thing or two about keeping in Of course her title of the Disappearing Duchess takes on a different meaning now a year ago it referred to her ability to lose five stones of regal flab .
29 Dot waited for her share of the hot dish .
30 In contrast , if a wife has had her sixtieth birthday but her husband has not yet reached 65 ( or has decided to defer his retirement ) , she must wait until her husband retires to receive her share of the married couple 's pension .
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