Example sentences of "her [noun] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 So give her reasons not to be naughty .
2 She knew how Beth had gone to the lodging house on the night when her own father disowned her ; how she had run to her lover only to be turned away from there broken-hearted when the girl claimed that Tyler was the father of her own mythical child .
3 The noisy exchanges in the House of Commons and her determination not to be shouted down by the opposition make her sound hectoring and strident .
4 She intended to plead her own nervousness and her desire not to be destined for public exhibition and planned to finish by thanking him for the compliment of his request and wishing him well in finding a more practised model .
5 The poet 's wife tried to avoid going , by saying that it was late for the child and that she would have expected her husband not to be curious .
6 In fact she had been approached by wealthier men than Jonas , whose interests in her were sometimes honourable but mostly not , and she had a realistic enough sense of her attraction not to be ruffled by anything her cousin could say .
7 ‘ You should have told me about Mrs Richards ’ heart condition — and about her request not to be moved from Monte Samana .
8 The window was to high up to be reached by the captive , though the could poke her head out to be fed .
9 Stella was afraid Babs might tell Dotty that she did n't wear a slip and that Dotty would rush out and buy her one , just as she had bought her a brassière after catching her in the wardrobe with her arms above her head about to be fitted for her Ptolemy costume .
10 She asked for her name not to be used because she wanted to protect her relationship with regular callers .
11 These days of wonder , she felt graciously pleased with her life ; keeping her self-promise not to be heavy with Lucy , thinking herself under the skin and into the mind of the woman she loved .
12 There are some flaws , however , in her behaviour that make her turn out to be not so impressive .
13 Clare 's divorce petition would not be heard until July ; she had been warned by her solicitor not to be seen alone with a man right now , or it might affect her petition and the custody of her son .
14 Nor were her companions anywhere to be seen .
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