Example sentences of "her [noun] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Ace skipped her fingers lightly across the tops of the consoles .
32 By the time she had got her cases up to the guest room , made the bed up and sorted out her food supplies it was beginning to get dark and , although she had a burning desire to go up to the studio , caution prevailed .
33 Alexandra sat in front of her mirror in her new cream silk gown while Lyddy folded her hair carefully over the pads .
34 Her red lipstick was smudged and she had n't bothered to pin up her hair properly at the sides .
35 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
36 Delia Sutherland 's finger pressed a black-and-white photograph of a woman lifting her hair away from the grabbing hand of the baby in her arms .
37 She washed hurriedly , then pulled on her old jeans and jersey and tied her hair back with the shoelace .
38 She looked about her at the freshness of the morning , then laughed and , pulling her hair out of the tight bun she had secured it in to ride , shook her head .
39 Despite the sunshine , it was a crisp , cold day , and she pulled up the collar of her black jacket , flicking the long auburn mane of her hair out of the way .
40 Leith , having popped along to her bedroom to take her hair out of the knot she had worn it in all day , was having serious thoughts about her actions — inviting him for a meal , for goodness ' sake !
41 Her hair down from the secret of her ears ,
42 Leonora gave him a polite smile as she tied her hair securely at the nape of her neck .
43 He was the sort of man who was always punctual and here she was with her hair all over the place and a shiny nose .
44 ‘ I saw the evidence with my own eyes , Melanie wearing only a dressing-gown , her hair all over the place .
45 Then to stop her crying , anything to stop that , he had to buy her the set of antique-look brass fire-irons she had set her heart on for the lounge , to give an extra touch of authenticity to the rustic stone fireplace and the imitation-log gas fire .
46 She shut her heart firmly against the look of incredulous joy that lit Rachel 's face .
47 Rachel flopped exhausted into the long white sofa and wrote a long letter to Jenny , pouring her heart out for the first time in three weeks , telling her everything that had happened since she left .
48 Diana poured her heart out about the publicity , her sense of isolation and fears about what the future held in store .
49 We look forward to his arrival in Britannia again and Boudicca is saving some good legs for him , — in fact they belong to a soldier of the IXth Legion who did n't hear her shout ‘ Get outta the way you stupid git ’ when she was trying her chariot out on the new road .
50 The old lady took all her money out of the bank and made plans to leave Sheffield the next day .
51 Mrs Ridley settled herself in a green velvet armchair , laying her stick carefully on the floor beside her .
52 Mrs Puri tapped her stick triumphantly on the ground .
53 Some galleries are long , like those at Yew Tree and Monk Coniston , where a great ( or walking ) spinning wheel could be used , the spinner requiring space to draw her thread away from the great wheel and , turning , to reverse the wheel and walk back to wind the spun yarn on the bobbin .
54 The Collector 's eye came to rest on the corner where Miriam lay ; she was too weak to help Dr McNab now , but although she could no longer be of any service to the ailing figures who lay nearby , she had refused to let the Collector move her mattress up to the dais where the air was better and where cholera clouds would be less likely to hang ( if such things existed , which of course they had been proved not to by Dr McNab , but all the same … ) .
55 Sartre had initially been attracted to her work because it seemed to demonstrate his own concern with the inauthenticity of human relationships , yet he would later reject her fiction simply on the basis that her novels are set in an upper-middle-class Parisian milieu .
56 I started Wavebreaker 's engines , used the bow thruster to drive her stem away from the quay and , with an apparent cargo of misery and mania , went to sea .
57 She claims that two years later pupils began taunting her about her weight both in the playground and the classroom which reduced her to tears .
58 He rose and helped her to her feet , steadying her as she eased her weight on to the injured ankle .
59 As he reversed , he saw her march confidently into the porter 's office .
60 As I move and start to nestle my shin against a calf whose muscles are loosened by sleep , she senses what I 'm doing , and without waking reaches up with her left hand and pulls the hair off her shoulders on to the top of her head , leaving me her bare nape to nestle in .
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