Example sentences of "so does [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Castor oil comes from the bean but so does a powerful skin irritant , and a deadly poison called ricin .
2 Media advertising almost certainly has an effect , and so does the prior socialization of women for domesticity .
3 In fact as discount factors tend to unity so does the temporary reputation become permanent .
4 Europe 's grain harvest looks certain to hit the record books , so does the surplus grain mountain which ca n't be moved on world markets
5 So does the Labour party .
6 Thus , in both pairs of cases we have the result that as discount rates shrink , so does the sequential equilibrium strategy approach the dominant strategy type 's play .
7 So does the other way .
8 It can clearly be seen that , if the initial solution satisfies the boundary conditions appropriate for colliding waves , then so does the new solution .
9 If the rise in long-term interest rates threatens economic recovery , then so does the sharp rally in the yen .
10 Just as the wall belongs to every Berliner on both sides , East and West , so does the entire site which , which now is left fallow so to speak .
11 So does the United Left enter the fray with its prospects as promising as its hopes are high ?
12 The opposition parties support Iraq , and so does the Constitutional Union , which is in the ruling coalition .
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