Example sentences of "so that be an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes erm now on erm Tuesday as I say we 've got five open races actually Peter , five open races on Tuesday , but erm one of the best erm things that happened to us is that the Pall Mall which is the biggest event erm in erm March , erm that 's being sponsored now by one of the track bookmakers called Max Thomas and the best thing about it is that erm he is erm putting in so much prize money with the major the supporting opens on our gala night , that erm there 's not a race worth in the open race , there 's not worth less than two hundred and erm there 's three races worth five hundred pounds each to the winner and the big race is worth five thousand so that 's an early erm plug for to keep in your diary , like the Pall Mall which is March the twenty third .
2 Cos it 's in side roads , so that 's an hour-and-a-half okay , you could we waiting for your train for about an hour so that 's two-and-a-half hours
3 So that 's an important thing to know .
4 So that 's an important point and one which is not in Freud 's book although I 'd like to think it would have been , had he written it much later on when , when group erm therapy had become very fashionable .
5 Many people who have not been sailing before , many parents are worried about their youngsters , think that it 's dangerous and whatever and we have all this information , we have all these checks , we have a wonderful education scheme er within our own organization in this country and we should go out and sell that and I think we , a lot of it 's going on already and I do n't decry that and we need to just market that a little better to get more youngsters on the water because once we get more youngsters on the water the pyramid gets wider , the building gets higher , so that 's an important issue
6 So that 's an important first feature in terms of writing .
7 So that 's an interesting thing .
8 ‘ The Fab Four played the Empire stage so many times so that 's an added nostalgia bonus for us . ’
9 So that 's an evil place , yeah .
10 So that is an important limitation to the subject of my talk : I am concerned with training European teachers to teach their mother tongue in British secondary schools .
11 so that was an extraordinary low price , it 's gone up now , two hundred and fifty four
12 So that was an essential work order was by the government in power then .
13 And I think when we talk in terms in getting around to spending the money we have got then we need to look quite clearly about how you make a place more inviting and it 's also about when people come into the building how they 're met what the receptionists like , when they ring up can they get through and I mean I 'm I 'm surprised that 's said about the tickets that I think that our reception ticket areas an excellent area the people working there are first class are very friendly very helpful so it 's trying to get that sort of concept through the building I thin k we work on that I think the building 's kept very clean people who clean the building are very good but I hear what you 're saying and I thinks it 's been said earlier by the lady here by the foyer downstairs she feels threatened when she goes into that bar because I think the whole decor and the way it is is a threatening place I think we need to look at those so that was an old and .
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