Example sentences of "so that she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She put the hairbrush down and began to pull hideous faces in the glass , pulling the corners of her eyes down with her forefingers and squashing her nose up with her thumbs so that she looked like an insane pug dog .
2 She was n't aware of his putting the comb aside , only of strong hands turning her so that she lay across his knees .
3 The sorrow , the loneliness , the confusion disappeared with the taste of his lips on hers , with the hunger that communicated through his kiss , so that she burned with a desire unlike anything she had ever felt before .
4 Gripping the hammer in one fist and propping the hatch up with her free hand , she crouched low so that she had about an inch gap through which she could see the back door .
5 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
6 Of course Luiza should n't be paired with the lanky and very young tenor ; they 'd have to replot the run-up to that part so that she came into the ballroom with someone else .
7 Weirdly , the step turned into a kind of floating movement , so that she seemed to be somehow poised in the air for an instant .
8 She fielded two blows , then felt her left arm cut as Morthen struck swiftly , savagely ; then her left leg , so that she collapsed in a heap , struck three times on the left side of her body , bleeding , left to die .
9 ‘ Well , we ai n't letting 'er go , that 's for sure , ’ Forest told him , releasing his hold so that she crumpled to the floor .
10 He remembered how , as a child , by dozens of small acts of perversity , he had brought his mother 's wrath down upon himself , so that she did at least notice his existence .
11 Penry reached out a long arm and drew her in front of him so that she stood in the shelter of his arms as he held the wheel .
12 For suddenly Georg 's control had snapped and he pushed her hard , violently and savagely away from him so that she spun across the room , hurtled into the table , and nearly fell .
13 She changed seats with Hugo so that she sat with her back to the other diners .
14 Then she saw the man 's face through the open mouth and immediately turned her head away so that she appeared to be looking at something of consuming interest outside the window .
15 Simon could n't afford to let himself be divorced ; Constanza did some extremely quixotic things and they managed to fix it so that she appeared to be the guilty party .
16 ‘ My taking the veil ? ’ said the nun , so that she appeared to be joking .
17 At that moment , a voice did call , so that she jerked with shock .
18 Each time she made a decision to keep away from birds , she was in fact reinforcing and enlarging the fear in her own mind , so that she changed from being someone who simply did not like birds to becoming a person who would actually consider spending the rest of her life within her own four walls rather than risk encountering a few sparrows in her path .
19 Without consideration he ripped the tape from her skin so that she winced with the searing pain .
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