Example sentences of "so that she [modal v] have " in BNC.

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1 Larissa , 40 , became a teacher so that she would have more time with her children , but she spends most of her spare time in queues .
2 During her romance she had regularly raided her friends ' wardrobes so that she would have a presentable outfit to go out in .
3 She heard him but kept her back turned so that she would have his arms around her and then she could wriggle inside them to face him .
4 ‘ Other than this job , ’ she added challengingly , some perverse part of her almost wishing he would attempt to deprive her of it so that she would have something real , present and immediate to fight him for .
5 She had forced herself out of bed especially early , without waking Oz , just so that she could have a spare half-hour or so to take a walk up Back Clough Dale .
6 And Sarah believed he could bend the rules of the Foundling Hospital so that she could have the child with her always .
7 Little wonder then that during the build-up to her wedding she invited her former teacher Wendy Mitchell and pianist Lily Snipp to Buckingham Palace so that she could have dancing lessons .
8 Feeling suddenly full of energy , she got up , and , switching on the immersion heater so that she could have a bath later , she decided to give the cottage a good clean .
9 All he had to do then was to make it known that he had promised to leave Laura alone so that she could have a rest in peace , to make an excuse about paying a brief visit to the Gents , to go up to his room — probably via the guest-lift — to stick his hand inside the room and grab the handbag , to take out the jewel before dumping the handbag , and then … ’
10 I could see her English neighbour shutting her front door in our faces , and yet all the same we left the two children there , rushing away after I 'd pinched their cheeks to make them cry so that she 'd have to come out to them .
11 Well I think that she was trying to keep him dangling so that she 'd have somebody to fall back on if she did n't land another man .
12 They get married at City Hall so that she can have her green card and stay .
13 They do n't want to charge her so that she can have the opportunity of proving to the court that er she is innocent .
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