Example sentences of "so [that] they [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 They stopped at the end of the harbour wall , and Miguel gently drew Shelley against him , so that they walked back linked together .
2 The night of December 16th 1943 , became known as Black Thursday , because a real pea-soup fog descended on eastern England while the squadrons were out , so that they came back to find every air field shrouded in gloom and had to land all over the place .
3 This produces the intense flux of neutrons ; heavy water flows through the reactor to slow down the neutrons so that they react better with the lithium .
4 Alternatively , their loyalty may be captured by the career staff in their departments so that they become primarily spokespersons for , and defenders of , department policies against encroachments from elsewhere .
5 By way of contrast , unpaid interest or capital repayments relating to loans usually constitute an " event of default " under the loan documentation with the result that the lender will stop any further loans , and may accelerate repayment of the sums outstanding so that they become immediately due and payable .
6 we 're prepared to look at the the client reports and change them so that they become as good as we , we can get them .
7 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of guilt so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
8 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of inadequacy so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
9 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of inhibition so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
10 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of jealousy so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
11 And , finally , here are some thought-starters on ways of replacing unrealistic thoughts and beliefs that provoke feelings of worry so that they become more realistic and less likely to hinder your behaviour :
12 Nowadays , however , we are capable of transforming rivers so that they become quite unrecognizable .
13 The limbs are generally thin , but there is a marked tendency to distend or inflate the trunks of the bodies so that they become unnaturally broad .
14 She argues that it enables speakers to produce language in a more efficient way , so that they use up less mental energy , and speak more fluently — perhaps even more emphatically and persuasively .
15 As the enemy advances the hand gunners use their ability to change ranks as they fire so that they creep closer to the enemy .
16 Gently secure the feet to the inside of the skirt with royal icing so that they point out .
17 Nor should they be put off by roads which have signposts that are positively misleading , or which some naughty boys have turned round so that they point in totally the wrong direction .
18 They may not , for instance , be prepared to risk having any kind of emotional engagement ( I recently worked with a group of headteachers for whom this seemed to be a problem ) ; or they may not trust each other or the teacher ; or the ‘ hidden curriculum , of the group 's own dynamics may cut across the drama 's requirements ( for instance if the strong natural leader within the group is not given her usual leadership function within the fiction ) ; or the group may concentrate too hard on preparing material for ‘ showing ’ so that they miss out almost entirely on ‘ playing the drama game ’ ; or they may dislike drama or really want to perform a play or are simply not in the mood to submit to the experience .
19 " There 's only ever been one other person , " I said , stumbling over the words so that they sounded false even to me .
20 In fact one of the great things about this walk is that it keeps for most of the time to the shoulder of the fells so that they fall away steep sided below you giving you clear views out and down .
21 He 'd been turning round to speak to her , and the sudden movement caught him off balance , so that they tumbled unceremoniously to the ground together .
22 It 's bones that are too porous literally , so that they break very easily
23 Mini-castors , which can be bought at all good hardware stores , should be fitted to every piece of furniture that will take them except chairs , which can be fitted with small metal domes so that they slide gently and slowly .
24 For their sledging trick , they love a steep , snow covered bank and will lie on the top , facing downhill , then tuck up their front paws so that they slide along upon their chests .
25 The ferret 's function is to frighten the rabbits so that they bolt out of the holes or to force them to retreat through the burrow system until they become cornered so that they can be dug out while the ferret holds them in that fixed position .
26 In the latter situation subjects were given a cue prior to the stimulus presentation ( pre-cued condition ) so that they knew beforehand whether to report the inner or outer column or the letters printed in a particular colour .
27 They must be presented , minded and mollycoddled if necessary so that they concentrate totally on their own performance .
28 He had a beautiful dream of riding Bones like you saw people on the television , leaping great fences , seen from low down so that they looked about ten feet high .
29 We move them around deliberately , to gain experience and to put them in a different environment so that they come forward with fresh ideas . ’
30 Cut away the waste wood around the ears with the coping saw , and use the 1in shallow gouge to further shape them and the nostrils so that they angle back at each side .
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