Example sentences of "so [conj] he [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So although he ca n't see this fox .
2 I would therefore argue that one of the chief tasks of education , perhaps its overriding task , is the education and encouragement of a child 's imagination , so that he may not be a slave to a perception confined solely to the present , a perception that is little more than blindness .
3 In their discussion of this incident Asikpasazade and Nesri refer to " Mevlana Haydar " as danismend " newly come from Persia " , so that he may well have arrived in the Ottoman lands at about the same time as Fahreddin Acemi .
4 The patient might rehearse in imagination the most constructive alternative so that he may readily adopt it if a crisis occurs .
5 We must allow Jesus in the Eucharist to come out of isolation so that he may once again lead and save Christian society as its head ’ .
6 And in the pursuit he came up to King Yucef , and smote him three times : but the King escaped from under the sword , for the horse of the Cid passed on in his course , and when he turned , the King being on a fleet horse , was far off , so that he might not be overtaken ; and he got into a Castle called Guyera , for so far did the Christians pursue them , smiting and slaying , and giving them no respite , so that hardly fifteen thousand escaped of fifty that they were .
7 He maintained that Philip was trying to keep him at war in Scotland ‘ so that he might not pursue his rights elsewhere ’ .
8 So that he might not be sad twice .
9 Radulfus mounted the three shallow steps , and with both hands opened the Gospels , his eyes fixed above , upon the cross , so that he might not calculate where , on the exposed page , his finger should rest .
10 Almost violently , she raised her body , ducking her head at the same time , her feverish lips seeking the scorching lure of his again , the demand for his kiss born out of an intuitive need to let him silence her , so that he might not hear the words and other sounds which would tell him just how complete his dominion of her senses already was .
11 ‘ We try to give him a little less tranquilliser each time , so that he might gradually get over it , but he does n't seem to get any better .
12 All this was made so that he might obscenely observe himself with his favourite women .
13 The film includes an extraordinary moment when she orders the punishment of a man who had threatened to rape her so that he might never threaten women again
14 For sure he takes pains to make Tikhon a human puzzle so that he sha n't in any obvious way speak God 's truth .
15 He avoided going to the prize-giving so that he would n't have to meet her .
16 Meanwhile I had to get Harry well propped so that he would n't fall forward and drown after all , and to do that I reckoned we needed to be in the corner .
17 ‘ This boy behaved in an underhand way , setting up situations so that he would n't get into trouble , but David would when he had left .
18 Anna could hear Edward calling but she kept in her hiding place , covering her mouth so that he would n't hear her laugh .
19 Clasping a pencil impotently between his fingers he clenched his free hand into a fist and dug his knuckles into the table so that he would n't cry .
20 A huge lump of misery welled up into his throat and he stiffened his jaw so that he would n't disgrace himself by crying .
21 Zach found himself totally mesmerized and placed his finger on the page so that he would n't lose his place .
22 We tried to pull the leg up so that he would n't put so much weight on it , but then he only found it even harder to walk straight .
23 She did not add , He would jump at the chance of someone filling that post , so that he would n't be asked to take the children off Rose 's hands until she is once more fixed up with someone who could manage her unruly crowd , as well as herself and the house .
24 ‘ One of us just had a lucky escape , ’ she said , turning abruptly so that he would n't see the smile on her face .
25 So I hunted him and smashed his face , and I was going to take him back to the prison-ship , so that he would n't have the pleasure of being free , when the soldiers caught us .
26 Then he 'd look to see which way they were travelling , so that he would n't get into their line of flight .
27 I realized that she was n't going to tell him about events on Vadinamia so that he would n't jump to any conclusions and complicate things .
28 She kept her eyes downcast so that he would n't see its telltale signs , and sullenly dressed while he continued to pace up and down , probably trying to release some energy .
29 Kate turned away so that he would n't see the pain in her face .
30 Robyn thought swiftly , moving further into the darker edges of the room , so that he would n't see too clearly how awful she looked .
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