Example sentences of "so [conj] when [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So that when one entered one would find the pictures talking to each other and you would enter and listen .
2 The thoughts and images that bring about ecstasy should be accumulated from every source so that when one fails , then there will be others that can be tried .
3 So we gritted our teeth and set off along the Pyg-motorway past the army 's blasted and unforgivable folly , writhing and frothing and swearing and laughing aghast — the vapours thickening the while , so that when we looked down from Bwlch Moch , Llydaw was rimless , leaden obscurity and our hair mist-beaded like grizzled Rastafarians .
4 so that we got , cos say you have a lot of holidays , so that when we get there as I say we ai n't got ta go out and shop and get stuff , we 've got bacon and egg
5 So that when we get to the mock interview stage , no , no one can actually back out , no one can pretend that they were just sent by their council .
6 What we 're trying to do is to write cricket bats , so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock , it might … travel …
7 The highest nobility were only very few in numbers , so that when we speak of their hold upon military commands we must , consciously or not , include those who had inherited relatively low noble rank or who had only risen that far through their own efforts .
8 We can at will like Democritus develop this faculty of laughter , so that when we look at our fellowmen we can smile and even in the labyrinth of our own thoughts we can resort to humour and thus our lives can be less drab .
9 As far as Falstaff is concerned , leaving prose for verse is a true rite de passage for Hal , so that when we see him together with Poins in the sequel speaking prose without Falstaff present ( 2 Henry IV , II.ii. ) we realize that his metamorphosis is not yet complete .
10 Sometimes it just ca n't be helped cos there 's nothing in your price range you know that you like that is n't empty but I would prefer an empty property so that when we decide and then whatever just
11 So that when we galloped them they did n't know , see , mm , years ago they were very particular an another man did n't li , say I had horses and you had horses , I would n't like my horses galloping with yours .
12 So that when we have the thing that he calls an annual review and I call a pain in the neck , I do n't actually have to put in very much work to come up with the fact that no , I 'm not going to give him a salary increase , erm , because I have his , his performance , you know , already researched throughout the year .
13 You 've got to give them a very specific task to do and give them the support and the materials to do it with and make sure it happens so that when they turn up at 3 o ’ clock , it 's set up to go .
14 The sun has crabbed their gaze so that when they turn to me I see a row of puppies squinting .
15 The Waste lay on a high part of the forest so that when they reached it the sun , which had already sunk from sight in the valleys , was still poised above the dark low edge of the distant forest .
16 Their udders dropped and their teats became larger and more pendulous so that when they lay down in their stalls the vital milk-producing organ was pushed away to one side into the path of the neighbouring animals .
17 So that when they come to assessment in the Upper School … they can actually analyse and rationalize why things work and why they do n't , why they should change direction , why they should give up and start again , and why they should logically follow the piece through .
18 They 're seen as being reliable , they 'll use a standard approach so that when they come to solve a problem , what do we , what did we do before ?
19 Yeah but what they 're saying is it 's got ta be in the night before so that when they come in that next morning
20 The first foragers to a feeding site were captured and their light-sensitive cells were painted so that when they returned to the hive they orientated their dances with respect to gravity .
21 They are represented ( perhaps , more accurately , mis-represented ) in a particular way so that when they become anchored they must become objectified .
22 Apprentices were trained to make drawings rapidly , so that when they saw some machinery with which they were unacquainted they could sketch its salient features ; this would correspond to the field sketch of the naturalist .
23 So that when they said , are you sure you 've only got x number of horses .
24 So that when they sit facing each other on either side of their fire-place , both grins take off in the direction of the mantelpiece , as if drawn by the draught .
25 If it 's inherited from an estate that of itself er attracts no tax , so there tax position would only be the income that they received from it would be subject to income tax and it would be added to their own assets so that when they die in due course then they 've inheritance payable there .
26 Some may fear that during their absence , colleagues remaining in the home country will forge ahead on the career ladder so that when they return to Britain they will find themselves behind and unable to catch up .
27 So that when they return to their mundane , repetitive jobs and stress-filled existences they retain an image of Crystal Springs and long to return .
28 Now , if we 're going to allow an organisation like that , have we no erm chance to say that after they 've had their collection , we should like to have some indication of what percentage went to Oxford , so that when they apply again , we can at least know whether this is actually a genuine local organisation or national .
29 So that when they get to university , it 's not the first time away from home , it 's not the first time they 've got their money and so on .
30 Some people plan it so that when they go along , along the motorway , they hit roadworks , blinking heck , but they 're aware that they 're there .
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