Example sentences of "so [conj] [subord] [indef pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 So that when one entered one would find the pictures talking to each other and you would enter and listen .
2 The thoughts and images that bring about ecstasy should be accumulated from every source so that when one fails , then there will be others that can be tried .
3 Because they were only half the size of a mature Thoroughbred , they were not tall enough to see over their stable doors or internal walls so that when someone opened the stable doors , the weanlings would attempt to climb the walls in sheer terror !
4 So that if something breaks it 's going to be that weak old rope , not
5 DO watch the screen while you type or give commands so that if something goes wrong you can correct it as soon as possible ( eg using Esc ape , U ndo )
6 So that if somebody come in to call , they 'd pull this thing and then Mr or somebody would open the the sliding door and you see .
7 ‘ It 's so that if somebody drops a bloody great boulder on yer nut it 'll bounce off
8 Beyond it , the mild night sky was busy with lights arrowing down into National airport and jinking up away from it , following the curls of the river so that if one fell , it would fall into that .
9 After taking a series of measurements I put a numbered ring on each bird 's leg so that if one came to grief and was picked up at some time in the future , its identity could be established .
10 There should be two heaters — not heaterstats — in this tank , ideally governed by an external thermostat so that if one overheats they are switched off , and if one fails the other will probably maintain a safe heat .
11 The idea was , quite simply , that a person or property should be protected ; so that if one commended a slave or a piece of property no transfer of ownership was intended .
12 One thing that must be done is that my place must look respectable by 11 a.m. so that if anybody does come in , it looks tidy .
13 I also set up snares and trip-wires linked to glass bottles in the grass on the dunes over the creek , so that if anybody tried to sneak up they would either catch themselves or snag the wire , pulling the bottle out of its hole in the sand and down on to a stone .
14 And put it on a piece of paper and put it on the notice board so that if anybody rings up you can say well this is what it is .
15 I suggest that we do the usual thing of passing that one round so that if anybody wants to read it they can read it .
16 He watched Geraci walk all the way down the corridor before going back to his office , leaving the connecting door open so that if anyone came in he could see them reflected on Pertini 's portrait .
17 He watched Geraci walk all the way down the corridor before going back to his office , leaving the connecting door open so that if anyone came in he could see them reflected in Pertinis portrait .
18 I have been to the Benefits Agency in my constituency , where the manager and staff made it plain to me that if staff were concerned about their safety they would not wear a name badge — but most of them want to because they want to be able to be identified by the public , so that if someone rings up a week later he can identify the person to whom he spoke a week before .
19 The Jot 1.0 specification is designed to enable applications to share handwritten notes , sketches , signatures and other free-form data across the generality of computers from hand-held devices to mainframes , so that if someone scrawls a note and sends it over a modem , it will turn up at the other end as handwriting , regardless of the sending and receiving machines , provided only that they both implement Jot 1.0 .
20 Such officials were used so that if anything went wrong the papal see would be entirely free from reproach .
21 ‘ My life 's insured by the department , ’ he explains to Felicity , ‘ so that if anything happens to me you 'd get both a lump sum and a regular income .
22 Our safety regulations er dictate that they be a certain distance from the crowd , so that if anything did go wrong , the aircraft would be able to er get out of the way , but no , there is not going to be any danger at all , they 'll make their approaches to the base as if they were attacking , and then we 'll have simulated ground bursts , a large fire as it were , on the ground , it will be going off , providing the sound effects for it , but it 's going to be just a great thing to sit and watch .
23 So if if one takes all three roads into Knaresborough , it does not have it does not increase traffic .
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