Example sentences of "so [pron] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 So I went with a much smaller firm .
2 So I went to a designer , Denise Vaughan of Deni Vee , and she made me a couple of suits which really pleased me and I believed that I was on to something .
3 So I went to a very good secondary school but I was in the A one stream right the way through and I was always within that top three of that A one stream and it gave me confidence and I really got on .
4 Apart from a price list , so we had a price list , and I thought right so I went to a book shop and I tried to find a book on masks nothing .
5 So I went like a little lamb following a mother sheep , back to the same room .
6 so I managed for a few weeks and then I went to lodge with my sister at Trimley
7 Anyway , er so I thought for a , I 've had a large of the press today which is , it 's a very tense case indeed .
8 So I advertised in a newspaper for a job as a governess .
9 So I slept in a little damp attic room which smelt of apples , my head not very far away from the dream-troubled heads of Shelley and his mistress .
10 So I put on a coat .
11 ‘ I became homeless in London so I got on a train and ended up here ; that 's all there is to it , really . ’
12 So I embarked upon a new draft of the Regulations .
13 So I mean from a couple of bits of information we could tell they had sheep , they probably ate them , teeth marks on it , things like that .
14 and , and stuff like that so I mean in a sense you 're by now a fairly good judge of the way to go about this sort of thing , you 're a fairly good judge of what sort of things are important , perhaps the way in which people describe stuff and , and , you know , words , concepts , vocabularies erm all that kind of thing which obviously it helps if your questionnaire fits in with
15 so they had like an hour break so I spent in a room .
16 To do so I drove into a petrol station by the BBC Television Centre in order to do a U-turn .
17 So I think about a hundred and fifty pounds
18 so I think in a way it would be quite nice to sit down with somebody from each of the colleges to hammer out the syllabus because Napier will see it from Napier 's point of view about what 's easiest for them to teach and what this and what the other whereas I suspect if you also sat down with and and people you might get a broader discussion base
19 So I confessed to a possibility , though it was only six weeks since Sintra and there was still room for doubt . ’
20 Anyway , so I appeared before a Judge , the only time when I 've really been , he was judging me .
21 So I dashed to a central London hotel and sat with both Scotty and his longtime friend , drummer DJ Fontana .
22 So I stayed on a few weeks and erm then I went back to London
23 So I settled on a fine bouclé in a tan colour and an equally fine yarn with a slight ‘ whisker ’ in cream .
24 So I tried for a calming course , feeling thankful to this man for his dogged clasp on difficulties that would n't cause me any recall of my dead love in a million years , and I pursued the wisp of a path suggested by the word ‘ nanny . ’
25 So I live with a constant and uncomely reminder of folly and failure , and no doubt it does me good .
26 So I reckoned on a quick Sunday journey out to Oxfordshire .
27 There was n't any new town or anything and er they 'd built those er Council houses in the front in and he also erm , he said would I like a nice new house , to have plenty of hot water for the boys for bathing and everything , so I moved into a four bedroom and er I was there , er brought my family up there for , till er , unfortunately my mother came to live with me and unfortunately erm I had to go away erm because I was n't very well on a holiday and I was called back cos she was found dead on the toilet my poor mother and er after that erm I came back and erm , in the middle of the week from holiday , oh bother it will it be okay ?
28 As the state had come to intervene more and more in the field of welfare provision it fed the ethic of equality and broke down the constraining check of deference ( of poor people in their place ) , so itself contributing to a growing lobby for " more " and " better " public provision .
29 So she goes to a clinic and exactly the same thing happens .
30 So she embarked on a four-month programme of erotic self-education and yoga .
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