Example sentences of "so [adj] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You may ask about his daily routine when abroad ; he attends matins at church and priestly services either alone or with a small following , and worships so devoutly that he has set an example to all Italians of the honour and reverence that should be paid to bishops and clergy .
2 The shift is so striking that it has led one commentator ( Young 1984 : 22 ) to talk of an explosion of ‘ civic assertiveness ’ .
3 In his State of the Union address , delivered to the US Congress on Jan. 31 , President George Bush stated that " the events of the year just ended , the revolution of 1989 , have been a chain reaction — change so striking that it marks the beginning of a new era in the world 's affairs " .
4 The country was bracken-clothed dunes , the plants so tall that they came over the horse 's withers in places .
5 All she could see of him from this angle was that he was a very large man , broad as well as tall — so tall that he had to bend his head over his task .
6 The darkness was so total that she wondered if they would even be able to proceed without the aid of a torch .
7 It may have become so normal that you do n't but I think
8 In the absence of legal criteria that distinguish constitutional law from other laws , the definition becomes so broad that it defines nothing at all .
9 The American legal system is so odd that I 've been told I could get Tristram deported in my custody .
10 They walked along corridors so narrow that they had to turn sideways , and through corridors as wide as barns .
11 She also sought , of course , the more usual and natural means of escape and fantasy , such as the watching of advertisements , the reading of fiction , and the spinning of self-indulgent romances , but her experience of life as a child was so narrow that she had no way of telling the possible from the absurd .
12 The following weekend , the French referendum on Sept. 20 on ratification of the Maastricht Treaty produced a majority in favour , but so narrow that it failed to dispel growing doubts about the integration process .
13 I was invited to write this article before the election , around the proposition that the policy differences between the parties were so narrow that it did not really matter who won — a political worldweariness with which I sharply disagreed .
14 The resulting chaos was so memorable that I 've never dared take a holiday during a conference again !
15 Within the citadel there was constant bickering between abbot , Viscount and towns-people — grown so rich that they obeyed no one , remarked Geoffrey of Vigeois ruefully — and yet also a sense of being bound together in opposition to their neighbour , the bishop 's city .
16 where branches are silouetted against the colours of the sunset they must be rich and strong enough to help intensify the sense of the light coming through then , but not so rich that they seem to close , or start to compete with the same thing happening in the ripples that form their reflection .
17 ‘ I think Germany has become so rich that it has completely lost its fighting spirit , ’ said Turkey 's President Turgut Ozal on German television .
18 German angst over the issue prompted Turkish President Turgut Özal to assert on German television on Jan. 24 that " Germany had become so rich that it has completely lost its fighting spirit " .
19 For transport she used the farmer 's pony and trap : the pony was so decrepit that we called it the dead pony .
20 It was furnished with an ancient iron bedstead and a wooden table so decrepit that it collapsed as I walked past it .
21 There were those whose attachment to the principles of divine right and hereditary succession was so strong that they felt that James and his heirs could be the only legitimate Kings of England , whilst others turned to Jacobitism out of disillusionment with political developments since the Revolution .
22 The other apostles , whose faith was so strong that they did not need evidence , are held up to us as worthy of imitation .
23 ‘ It was so strong that they hit my March 1994 revenue estimate . ’
24 The producer , Sarah D Wilson comments … ‘ the public and press reaction was so strong that we developed another seven programmes to conclude the story .
25 ‘ He 's so strong that nothing stops him , ’ commented his trainer , Lucy Wadham .
26 These colours are so strong that you have to thin quite a bit to gain softer tones .
27 You 've always been so strong that you do n't know what it 's been like for me since mother died . ’
28 And his self-despite was so strong that he knew reviving an old flame or chasing some young actress would only aggravate it .
29 Gombert 's linear sense — and sometimes Crecquillon 's and Lupi 's was so strong that he cared nothing for the asperities of harsh suspensions or accented passing-notes , as in this passage from his motet , ‘ Ave sanctissima Maria ’ :
30 Appropriately the imminent passage of the emancipation legislation at the end of Wilberforce 's life provoked in him feelings so strong that he wrote ‘ I have not time to open the Stopper of ye jar that hardly prevents the bursting forth of my [ joyful ? ] feelings abt .
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