Example sentences of "so [adj] [conj] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 By lunchtime the next day , her eyes were so sore and swollen that she could hardly see .
2 Calm and svelte , stealthy as a cat in his movements , he seemed to approach sex as a form of research , favouring techniques of foreplay so subtle and prolonged that Robyn occasionally dozed off in the middle of them , and would wake with a guilty start to find him still crouched studiously over her body , fingering it like a box of index cards .
3 He broke off , and looked suddenly so exhausted and worn that Leith just did n't have the heart to tell him what an offensive brute his cousin had been .
4 At work , he had been used and abused repeatedly , each time becoming so anxiety-ridden and exhausted that he had handed in his notice .
5 And sadly the first time he flew without me he perished , leaving Bob Pointer and myself wondering why events in our puny lives are so ordained and arranged as to inflict the maximum hurt at a time like that .
6 The CITES regulations state that ‘ Management Authorities of the Parties shall be satisfied that any living specimen will be so prepared and shipped as to minimise the risk of injury , damage to health or cruel treatment ’ .
7 My feet were sometimes so painful and swollen that I could only walk with my heels out of my shoes .
8 I stood leaning on the staff , grinning and throwing an arm in the air as he approached , but he and his companion never so much as looked as they sped back to Adrar .
9 As the foregoing arguments have suggested , control is not imposed so much as negotiated or bargained between parties who both have considerable power resources ( cf. Aharoni 1981a : 1342 ) .
10 Monks hesitated and looked at the old man , but Mr Brownlow 's expression was so serious and determined that the younger man realized it was pointless to protest .
11 I recorded all this on audio cassette ; when the session was over , I played the tape to the astonished Clive who had been so relaxed when hypnotized that he had not even realized that his stammer had temporarily disappeared .
12 I was so bruised and exhausted that I did not feel strong enough to walk home , and although I did not want to , I had to spend the night at Wuthering Heights .
13 Clean architectural lines , gleaming glass , flower beds so neat and regimented that no weed would dare to seed itself .
14 There 's no way that a farrier can shoe a horse that is so angry or frightened that it is rearing and leaping all over the place .
15 The Empress had ordered her to do whatever was necessary in order to leave with fitzAlan , and if she had n't been so angry and confused that she had forgotten the threat to Edmund she would have complied .
16 Although ignimbrites can be unconsolidated deposits , the pyroclasts are frequently so hot when deposited that the contained gas is expelled and the individual particles are welded together to form a compact , impervious rock .
17 And why Jimmy looked so pleased when told that the General Election deposit was £500 , and not £1,000 as he 'd supposed .
18 If a family held a small amount of land and was in a village with a large number of households , its strips could be so small and scattered that too much time was spent in travelling between strips .
19 On the axe was some lettering so small and cramped that Jack could barely make it out .
20 ‘ The centres are so overstretched and under-funded that some can only help one in 10 debtors , or less ’ , it said .
21 She looked up at him , her face so blotched and swollen that despite himself he put out a hand to comfort her , only for her to let out a frightened cry , trying frantically to burrow into the sofa to avoid any contact with him .
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