Example sentences of "as if they [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Miserable wheatears looked as if they wished they had stayed in Africa .
2 There are a few like myself , who look as if they wished they were n't there , and would like to get the whole thing over as quickly as possible .
3 The provision of horses was unexpected , but curiously cheering , because it seemed to show that the giants were sending Floy and Snodgrass off in reasonable style , as if they expected them to return .
4 Many viewers were ‘ structuring their lives round it ’ and spoke of the characters as if they knew them well ( BBC , 1986 ) .
5 On the dressing table inside the large bay window all her cosmetics and lotions stood vacantly , as if they knew they would never be used again .
6 How can anyone be so arrogant as to talk about this Creature , this Thing , as if they knew It , as if they had just had a letter from It or had chatted to It over the phone , when the It can not be conceived , understood , described , or even proved to exist .
7 And as if they knew it they sent another flare up into the sky , so that it glowed bright and cheerful as a street lamp above his path of retreat .
8 Cecilia turned the pages of her address book , she turned them slowly , she scrutinized them as if they fascinated her .
9 In his wake were two older men in crumpled uniforms , unshaven clumsy fellows , carrying their rifles gingerly as if they feared they might go off unexpectedly .
10 Most of the square-skulled men I followed in this way in the streets turned out to have very macho faces , conventionally handsome , proud , even disdainful , as if they felt they alone were the lords and masters of the earth .
11 Deems 's eyes were soft , and did not rest long in one place , as if they sought something they feared to find .
12 Abruptly , the dark head was bent to hers again , the compulsive brush of his lips against the side of her neck so searing it felt as if they grazed her skin .
13 Creeping after her as if they stalked her .
14 She could never ignore them as she passed them on the street , and they , as if they sensed it , turned to her , picking her out at once from a throng of a hundred other pedestrians as the one who saw and heard them .
15 They were in their early thirties , so 1 did not feel too out of place from the point of view of age , and at first no one took any notice of me , as if they thought I was just another mature student .
16 She was a little woman , not much taller than Carrie , but she seemed strong as a railway porter , carrying their cases as if they weighed nothing .
17 This may be true , and many advertisers of these categories of goods — which tend to account for the majority of advertisements appearing on TV and in major national newspapers and magazines — behave as if they believe it .
18 It was as if they considered themselves above socialising with a mere shop assistant .
19 It was almost as if they considered him to be as much a victim of his government as they were of theirs , as if he could no more be held responsible for Reagan 's actions than they could for Gaddafi 's .
20 They stayed close to the Oaks , as if they considered it their duty , and they looked as if they might find life a serious business .
21 It 's as if they think there 's something wrong with me .
22 I think there 's less risk of you being caught then — Lee 's and your mother 's people are looking for either a single man and woman or two unrelated young people ; it seems as if they think it 's inconceivable that you should have remained together .
23 " They 're acting as if they think I did it . "
24 It 's as if they think I 'm really Firmin and then from time to time I just pretend to be this white man called Charlie .
25 I 'm told they behave here as if they expect their empire to last forever .
26 We all kept our place but we all It was As I said , just as if they gave you credit for what you could do .
27 They look as if they need it . ’
28 ‘ Mrs Asmoyah , ’ added Lisabeth politely , and she pointed to the flowers as if they explained everything .
29 ‘ The clubs have that much power over players it 's as if they own them , and this is n't good for the game in the North .
30 But when Gilbert sighs ‘ They give us names like paedophile , racist — all the names you can imagine ’ , it 's as if they wonder what all the fuss is about .
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