Example sentences of "as an [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is Jaime Ortiz Patiño 's recent move from a house in Vandoeuveres , outside Geneva , to smaller quarters in London following in his father 's and his maternal grandfather 's footsteps he has recently accepted an appointment as an advisor to the Bolivian government that has prompted the present consignment of Old Masters , silver and French furniture .
2 and as an astringent for the skin
3 He soon became employed as an informer for the police , spying on people and telling the police about anyone who had broken the law .
4 On return of this document , the participant named overleaf , will automatically be registered as an entrant in the Ultimate Prize Draw , with six changes to win the first prize jackpot of £50,000 .
5 The perception of high infant mortality itself was a symptom of poverty and this fuelled a continued desire to have a large family as an insurance against the death of existing children .
6 Too many urban dwellers regard ‘ a day in the country ’ as an escape from the regimentation that planned leisure sometimes implies .
7 But it is the Duchess herself who most obviously embodies those qualities of courage and fidelity that act as an antidote to the surrounding evil .
8 Admittedly , the practice facilities were often poor , but the preference for relaxation as an antidote to the cannon-balls suggested that deep down the fighting spirit was lacking .
9 Thus while the committees hoped their work would act as an antidote to the apparent tendency ‘ to reduce workpeople to the mental condition of animated machines ’ , they also sought to encourage an all-round improvement in efficiency and a training designed to develop ‘ the habit of regular industry … a healthy growth in mind and body ’ , the inculcation of thrift , and the ever popular ‘ discipline ’ .
10 This extreme ergonomics stance serves as an antidote to the equally extreme engineering approach in which systems are regarded basically as hardware which for reasons of economic or technological limitations have to depend occasionally on some human performance .
11 Mr Mubarak 's cautiousness used to be welcomed as an antidote to the histrionics of Nasser and Sadat .
12 It quickly became apparent that the major purpose which the questionnaire was to serve was as an agenda for the formal meetings between the Head of the Art Department and two of the members of the Senior Management Team ( Deputy Head ( Curriculum ) and the Director of Studies ) .
13 The image of Penda as an octogenarian at the Winwaed but still with two young sons ( Wulfhere and Aethelred ) has not proved a credible one to historians .
14 Intensely concerned with retaining contact with external reality , Braque must have realized , unconsciously perhaps , that at this particular time Cubism 's means of expression could become only more abstract , and the illusionistically painted nail may be regarded as an affirmation of the realistic intentions of the movement .
15 I have come to the conclusion that the important points here are that ( i ) since there was no danger at this time in registering a protest , ( ii ) the final payments were made without any qualification , and ( iii ) were followed by a delay until July 31 , 1975 , before the owners put forward their claim , the correct inference to draw , taking an objective view of the facts , is that the action and inaction of the owners can only be regarded as an affirmation of the variation in June , 1973 , of the terms of the original contract by the agreement to pay the additional 10 per cent .
16 His initial intention was to publish something on Epicurus merely as an appendix to the Exercises .
17 A document taken by the Garda Síochána ( the Irish police force ) from a leading republican , Sean Garland , in May 1966 , and later published as an appendix to the Scarman Report , contained a good deal of evidence of plans for intensive military training , but it also outlined some of the new political initiatives being taken by the movement .
18 The questionnaire is included as an appendix to the report ( Jowell and Witherspoon 1985 ) .
19 As an appendix to the Vespers , Monteverdi added two versions of what is essentially the same Magnificat , though one is for six voices and organ only , the other for seven voices and a considerable orchestra .
20 As the name of participating Banks and their subsidiaries are included as an Appendix to the Agreement th ABI have suggested that the heading should just be ‘ ABI/Banks Agreement ’ .
21 The opinion was provided as an appendix to the Accounting Standards Board 's ‘ Foreword to Accounting Standards ’ .
22 A code of practice was agreed by a working party of representatives of the local authority associations and DoE : this is set out in full as an appendix to the DoE Circular 2/81 .
23 But because g two ca n't become a , a structure plan issue , I was wondering if the erm , environmental strategy of this council , when it is adopted , er , er , wh when it 's formulated and , and , and , and adopted , er , could that be incorporated as an appendix to the county structure plan .
24 erm , other than clairify the erm , all solutions were made available to members of the panel as an appendix to the reports to the Policy Panel er , but that they wo n't to all members efficiency but were made available
25 As a trial , two-tier grades for selected routes will be published as an appendix in the forthcoming Glen Coe guide which should be published in the spring .
26 The presence of beetles is acknowledged as an indicator of the general health of the forest .
27 Putting these central concepts together with the process indicators outlined by Bush ( 1986 ) , it is proposed to use the following factors as an indicator of the existence of a rational economic decision-making process :
28 Borehole breakout study The state of rock stress within the United Kingdom is being studied as part of an on-going programme funded by the CEC using borehole deformation ( breakouts ) as an indicator of the orientation of the principal horizontal rock stresses in situ .
29 A reduction in the level of intergenerational exchange within the family can be viewed either as an indicator of the increased independence of elderly people , or as a sign of their growing neglect by younger family members .
30 The drawing of the poverty line is politically significant , since the number of people in poverty is often taken as an indicator of the success or the justice of government policy on social security and welfare .
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