Example sentences of "as a [noun] that [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Joseph 's special robe ( 3 ) : Joseph 's brothers saw this as a sign that Isaac intended to pass them by and make Joseph his heir ( see 48:21–22 and 49:22ff . ) .
2 Verse 16 : the people 's sin-offering should have been eaten by the priests in the holy place as a sign that God accepted the offering — Aaron 's excuse is not clear , but Moses accepts it .
3 It is , however , not on his career at Court or as a bishop or even as a controversialist that Andrewes ' place in the history of the Church of England depends , but on his sermons and private prayers , which were published after his death .
4 Shakespeare makes the point about interpretation that modern research in theories of vision and the education of young children has confirmed — that we are all taught to see — by Iago 's prediction of the view that Othello , hidden in the normally superior position of the eavesdropper , will take of his imminent conversation with Cassio : After the scene has turned out exactly as predicted , Iago checks on his victim 's responses : The Signifier here , the handkerchief , has been made by Iago to yield a meaning which is totally false , but which he has put upon it with so much circumstantial detail — Shakespeare 's diligence in this point risks pushing his plot into the incredible — that Othello can only see it as a present that Cassio has received from Desdemona and has ‘ given … his whore ’ .
5 They took it as a snub that Down failed to field at anything approaching full strength and now want to show that they are a match for the real thing .
6 But it was as a broadcaster that Ron Pickering will be best remembered .
7 However , it was as a goalscorer that Mel gained an undisputed niche in Palace 's history as the scorer of our first-ever goal in Division One , when his fine , dipping header put us into the lead and on the way to a 2–2 draw with Manchester United on the opening day of season 1969–70 .
8 It is this reference to contemplative life as a state that Hilton refers to as " verrei contemplatif " in Mixed Life .
9 The experience of the EC with member state aids to attract foreign direct investment should serve as a warning that EC rules are not always sufficient to prevent member states from taking unilateral steps to improve their national economies at the expense of others .
10 And , if so , would he recognise them as a warning that Doreen was not the right woman for him ?
11 Although he has found a new cutting edge to his game , after managing just five goals in his previous 104 league games , it is as a creator that Alex Ferguson most cherishes him .
12 But it was always as a unity that Ramsay approached a composition .
13 I therefore answer my first question in the affirmative and I do find as a result that Miss T. had the capacity to make a valid refusal of blood on that Sunday afternoon and evening .
14 ‘ Players know the choices open to them in set areas , which means we now have the inter-action as a team that Australia , New Zealand and England have had for years . ’
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