Example sentences of "as the [noun] for his " in BNC.

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1 The general election of that year was boycotted by Mosley , using the less than inspiring slogan of ‘ Fascism next time ’ as the rationale for his decision .
2 Although he often uses occupation and length of time in educational institutions as the axes for his displays and charts , in the text he attempts to encompass a far greater range of differences based on gender , age and expectation .
3 He argues ‘ though God exists totally outside of culture , while humans exist totally within culture , God chooses the cultural milieu in which humans are immersed as the arena for his interaction with people ’ ( Kraft 1979:114 ) .
4 It was the best time John-Augustus had spent with Mary and he saw it as the reward for his charitable act .
5 Once again demonstrating the resilience which had become a characteristic of his candidacy , Clinton campaigned strongly in New York , and even chose it as the venue for his first foreign policy speech since December .
6 He chose as the topic for his 30 minute address ‘ The Revival of British Manufacturing Industry ’ .
7 It was clear why Miguel had chosen Santa Barbara as the site for his development .
8 As the hunt for his wife went on Mr Probyn , 33 , appealed to Tania — or anyone who knew where she was — to contact police or family .
9 erm the ostensible subject of this passage is that he 's now finished with hell and heaven as the setting for his poems , and he 's coming down to earth for what is left .
10 The prosecution say Mr Probyn was laying the ground for his defence as the search for his wife continued .
11 Compton Mackenzie used the incident as the theme for his superb book , Whisky Galore , and in 1989 a company was formed to salvage anything remaining intact in no. 5 hold .
12 His house , into which he welcomes his visitors with open hospitality , is a charming , three-storeyed Victorian building attached to a smaller unit which acts as the atelier for his lifelong friend , the sculptor Morton Rosengarten , and his charming painter-wife , Violet .
13 Director Oliver Stone , joined in the screenplay by Zachary Sklar , used two books involved with the official investigation as the basis for his narrative .
14 Ramsay learnt early on the crucial importance of drawing as the basis for his art .
15 The order of the list of land birds is almost exactly the same as appears in Darwin 's 1839 Journal of the Voyage of the Beagle , so these notes must have been used by Darwin as the basis for his subsequent publication .
16 He gave as the ground for his refusal Matadial 's acceptance that her statement to the police was incorrect , but Mr. Pantry did not oppose the application and their Lordships consider that the judge would have done better to read the statement before giving his ruling .
17 Marshall , 82 , the first and only black member of the country 's highest court , cited his heavy workload as the reason for his retirement , describing it as incompatible with his advancing age and increasing ill-health .
18 According to a statement issued by the Japanese government , Yeltsin had cited compelling domestic problems as the reason for his action .
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