Example sentences of "as the [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Protestant reformers were strongly opposed to practices such as the wearing of relics and talismans , and the sprinkling of homes and fields with holy water to ward off evil spirits .
2 Its foundation as the capital of Scotland in the late eleventh century , and its development in the following centuries into a distinctive city crowded on a hill within a defensive wall can be traced through its buildings .
3 In our May 22nd issue , we referred to Portland as the capital of Oregon .
4 However , attempts to reduce the proportion of voting rights as the size of holdings increased were doomed to failure since the requirement could be easily evaded by splitting holdings and vesting them in nominees .
5 As the size of barbel in a shoal becomes larger , so the number of fish in that shoal will be fewer .
6 And , to this end , he stressed the importance of the internal arrangement and design of buildings , of features such as the size of rooms , the location of doors , passages and staircases , and the availability of lighting .
7 Treating speech as the paradigm of communication he says that ‘ myth is a type of speech ’ but one not confirmed to the utterance of words :
8 Mr George Gale , on the other hand , sensed a more general deterioration in manners as the fountain-head of Britain 's troubles , while bringing a much abbreviated time-scale to bear on their onset .
9 Well can one imagine Knobelsdorf , swept along by ambition , seeing himself as the organiser of victory at Verdun , exalted to become the Ludendorff of the Western Front .
10 In a word , the nobility was being restored to its former role as the protector of society , a role which , far from contradicting the true spirit of chivalry , corresponded exactly with it .
11 Amongst the deities who had great general appeal were Hapy , god of the Nile , a fertile figure with a papyrus plant on his head ; Taurt , a hippopotamus goddess , connected with the domestic life as the protector of women in childbirth ; and Bes , an ugly dwarf often wearing a lion 's mane and tail carrying knives , who was guardian and genius against any evil and helped to ward off danger at the birth of a child .
12 With the Consulate France became respectable — the Concordat allowed Napoleon to appear as the protector of Catholicism .
13 Those developments in stylistics which have taken place recently such as the appropriation of discourse analysis , politeness theory and other aspects of pragmatics have had little impact on this book , although they could readily be subsumed under the heading " literary language " .
14 Opening up the printing trade to women could be seen either as the unscrupulous recruitment of low-paid labour or as the expansion of opportunities for educated working-class girls .
15 Throughout the Ottoman world , centuries of arbitrary and frequently oppressive rule reinforced age-old peasant tendencies towards looking to the clan as the mainstay of life and regarding everybody outside with suspicion and hostility .
16 The monarch was also entitled , as the fount of Justice , to the profits of his lawcourts .
17 And as the handmaid of religiosity , ritual 's part was to express and impress those sentiments of group adherence on which the orderly life of the social organism depended for its survival .
18 As the popularity of Radio Station 1OAB continued to grow , so did the opposition to our progress .
19 As the discussion of power in Chapter 2 showed , pluralist approaches have explicitly rejected the notion that one can derive a causal explanation of policy outcomes based upon the congruence of the policy outcome with the interests of a particular group or class — that the congruence between the policy outcome and the interests of a group offers strong evidence to support ascribing power to the group .
20 This is clearly an important issue in radiation monitoring as the discussion of RIMNET above implies .
21 Through the completion of core and optional modules students may cover aspects of related qualifications , such as the Certificate of Travel Agency Competence .
22 This leads to a simple way of stating the amount of distortion : as the ratio of harmonics to fundamental .
23 Results were expressed as the ratio of bone mineral content to bone width in g/cm .
24 As with men 's share of unpaid household work , indicators such as the ratio of women 's to men 's rates of pay , plotted in figure 10.2 , and women 's share in household earnings , have shown some changes but still display a gulf between the sexes .
25 Aerodynamic costs are expressed as the ratio of drag/lift at 5° angle of attack and 5ms -1 freestream velocity .
26 This shift factor has also been defined as the ratio of relaxation or retardation times at the temperatures T and T o i.e. and is related to the viscosities .
27 The effects of explosion blast waves scale as the ratio of blast energy to atmospheric density .
28 Intrinsic water-use efficiency , defined as the ratio of leaf photosynthesis or net assimilation ( A ) to stomatal conductance to water vapour ( g ) , increased by the same ( oats and mustard ) or nearly the same ( wheat ) relative amount as did [ CO 2 ] , a consequence of conservative c i /c a in these C3 species ( Fig. 3 ) .
29 He had returned to Poland on Jan. 4 to answer the charge , and on Jan. 7 it was reported that a lesser charge was being substituted because prosecutors had ruled that Tyminski had attacked Mazowiecki as a rival candidate rather than as the holder of state office .
30 After lunch , your drive takes you through the Serengeti to the Olduvai Gorge where May Leakey discovered Zinjanthropus and East Africa as the origin of man .
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