Example sentences of "as [subord] this [be] not " in BNC.

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1 In order to design and send an intentionally ambiguous message and have it look as if this is not the case requires skill .
2 as if this were not enough we have to avoid livestock , standing crops and a myriad of other obstacles .
3 as if this were not enough , Southend is served by the so-called Misery Line , a blighted stretch of railway that shuttles Essex people irregularly into Fenchurch Street .
4 as if this were not bad enough , the great mudflow rolled on into the sea at the mouth of the Riviere Blanche , setting up a series of waves as it did so , one of which was powerful enough to capsize the yacht Precheur moored off the river mouth .
5 as if this were not bad enough , he used his powers on the Commission of the Peace to attack their secular rights , in the name of social justice .
6 as if this were not enough , the last quarter saw some of the most exciting football I have ever witnessed and certainly vindicated the raising of admission prices by 68 per cent .
7 as if this were not enough , I now realise that I can no longer give Jacob children .
8 as if this was not enough , Tom Clarke , newly returned to politics after illness , has another difficulty , which is to represent a party in the process of remodelling itself .
9 as if this was not enough , he was joined in his mad reverse by a colleague .
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