Example sentences of "as [subord] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Jean-François Briant cuts sheets of steel into more or less identifiable natural forms , leaves with veins incised into openings , ears of corn , vegetable silhouettes which slide imperceptibly towards representations of objects as if at every fold and cut the metal allowed one to read into it fragments of history , of a previous life .
2 Meredith in the high flow of his talk would describe anybody of whatever age or sex as ‘ gentlemen ’ as if at a council meeting .
3 From the mound , he heard voices of people singing , as if at a banquet .
4 But the gabble was such that the child could n't distinguish what it was they wanted , until the old woman cried , ‘ No candy rock today ! 'T IS all gone , all gone , ’ at which , one after the other , the children , as if at a signal , stopped gabbling and took up the chant : ‘ Raggie Aggie !
5 as if at a signal , nine silver-helmed figures stepped from the forest and stood round the edge of the glade , spears glinting in the gloom .
6 She looked around the vestibule , suddenly aware that this room where she ate a brioche and drank milky coffee as if at a feast of the gods on those mornings when she managed to get up in time was a mere dingy parlour , the curtains grey with city smuts , the tables pocked and charred by cigarettes .
7 Grant looks this way and that , as if at a junction .
8 Speaking brightly to close the gaps , as if at a party ) : So it 's getting near Christmas .
9 The slow sliding drift towards five o'clock on a Friday afternoon would fill me with panic , as if at the presence of life ebbing .
10 Of the three , that showing John Tradescant is the finest , for neither corpse in the other two paintings is shown in shrouds , both women having been painted as if at the moment of death rather than after the laying-out .
11 All the problems that we have been wrestling with over recent years in attempting to formulate a set of principles for communicative language teaching suddenly vanish as if at the waving of a wand .
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