Example sentences of "as [subord] it [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It looks as if it is probably down to the two of us , ’ said Grindley .
2 If the parent bird is aquatic and is making its display on water , it may turn on its side , flap one wing awkwardly in the air and paddle itself in a circle as if it is hopelessly crippled .
3 I like a picture to be fairly full as if it is too empty it can become boring to look at after a few months , but it is very easy to get carried away with all your lovely pressed flowers and try to fit them all into one picture — using too many flowers looks just as bad as not using enough .
4 While people may even find themselves avoiding others who would be understanding , precisely because their concern may threaten to breach fragile defences and bring on the ‘ crack-up ’ that feels as if it is only just being fended off , as it is .
5 ‘ You talk as if desire were one-sided , ’ he countered softly , ‘ as if it is only I who wants you .
6 ‘ So often people criticise others for wanting to do things which are a little bit different as if it 's wrong not to do things like everyone else does .
7 That 's sounds as if it 's pretty cheap .
8 Then , reverting to his chosen , statesmanlike stance , he added : ‘ Anyway , we should not be talking about it as if it 's just bread and circuses .
9 as if it 's just over the horizon , waiting to happen to me , as weird and wonderful as all the things that happened last autumn .
10 ‘ It looks as if it 's just starting up , ’ he said as the sound of pop music drifted towards them .
11 Yeah by D X otherwise it looks as if it 's just D Y
12 Sounds as if it 's just above us
13 I hide my sticky hand behind me , as if it 's brightly stained .
14 you know it 's almost as if it 's like er you know a sort of negative thing to , to , to find out about somebody erm so erm yeah I mean I think I , so I think you 'll , I think you 'll , you 'll of necessity have to try and do something which captures this , this sort of informal talk because as soon as people commit themselves to writing they 're gon na be erm they 're gon na be
15 It 's as if it 's too powerful for choreographers to cope with .
16 I feel as if it 's really deep ,
17 ‘ Here , let me pull the paper off now that you 've undone the ribbon and tape , or it wo n't feel as if it 's really for me . ’
18 Cos it sounds as if it 's really good !
19 Does n't look as if it 's quite full yet . ’
20 ‘ Look , ’ said Derek , ‘ it 's not even as if it 's very far away .
21 but what I find so interesting is because people talk nowadays as if it 's only recently women have had jobs erm
22 There is a sense in which even he , the perpetrator , is considered the victim of the crime , his crime , as if it was somehow larger than himself .
23 ‘ He … he made it seem as if it was somehow … my fault .
24 It sounded as if it was somewhere up in the farm buildings .
25 Previously she had worn it flat , practically plastered down on her head , until it looked as if it was almost painted on her scalp , like that of a wooden doll .
26 Then he pulled his head up again with a grunt of effort as if it was almost too heavy for him to lift .
27 By 1981 the artist was using photographic imagery as if it was purely graphic material , as if the literal meanings had been dissolved in a solution of ideas and metaphors — except that the half-tone dots from newsprint were emphatically part of the image .
28 The union representative is looking into the case to see if the company have a negligence claim to answer , but at the moment it rather looks as if it was entirely Len 's fault .
29 Sometimes it can seem as if it was yesterday .
30 By God , I can remember that as if it was yesterday .
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