Example sentences of "as [conj] there was [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then the young assistant started giving me funny looks , as if there was something up and I should know there was something up .
2 Endill was a little suspicious of Mould , not because of what the Headmaster had said , but because his eyes glowed with a life of their own , as if there was something burning inside his head .
3 Every half-minute or so , he peered over at the Loran navigation indicator — as if looking at it would make the numbers showing their position change more rapidly — then glanced up at the sky as if there was something to be divined in the matted darkness that could warn him of approaching doom .
4 as if there was something locked deep inside her that she just had to let out .
5 It appeared as if there was something more than a cupboard there .
6 It was as if there was something out there — or perhaps several somethings — struggling to break free of a force that had held them for a very long time .
7 Or — and this thought only occurred to me when I was out on the street and running for the hill as fast as I could — as if there was something else behind his eyes , looking out at the world , waiting for the awful moment when it would start to take apart our little corner of the planet , piece by shabby piece .
8 The room was dark but it was as if there was something fluttering in it .
9 It seems extraordinary to say , but it 's as if his emotions were still erm sort of adolescent , as if there was something in him which was never able to reconcile with his intellectual attitudes .
10 ‘ You … you just talk as if there was nothing between us except this goddam exhibition , ’ she said dully .
11 The women 's style was severe and more remote , protected by their teachers ' armour — as if there was nothing more to their lives that could connect them with ours .
12 His voice had a hollow echo to it , as if there was nothing inside him .
13 ‘ It will be our first real sight of Ireland , ’ said Floy to Caspar , as if there was nothing more on his mind other than surveying the land they were about to travel through .
14 Evidently I did not see fighters go down that day but I know they did but this was a first realization as if there was somebody up there to kill me and I guess this is the point at which you realize that you are going to kill them before they kill you and all of a sudden we are in combat all our lives and we take a complete change in outlook from everything because up to now everything had been practise and training just for this except we did not have that realization that they are there to kill us , who 's gon na be killed first ?
15 Athelstan could have sworn he was acting as if there was someone else there .
16 It was n't as if she really needed it , as if there was anyone she wanted to impress …
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