Example sentences of "as [conj] she [was/were] going " in BNC.

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1 She braced herself as if she were going into battle , blurting the truth out as she clasped her hands together until the knuckles stood out like bleached bones .
2 She opened her mouth , as if she were going to say more , but then closed it again .
3 She laughed again as Claudia said that once was too much , and from then on she treated Claudia as if she were going on holiday with the man of her dreams .
4 She realised that she was feeling almost excited , as if she were going on an adventurous journey into unknown country .
5 She apparently thought better of it , but her face started to crumple as if she was going to cry .
6 So Julie smiled at us , in a half-proud , half-scared sort of way , that made her look more as if she was going to burst into tears , and marched up the street , pigtails bobbing , and over the main road to the bus-stop , and stood there gazing across at us with blank eyes while the traffic trundled backwards and forwards between us .
7 The Lady Prioress looked as if she was going to refuse but Corbett stood his ground and glared back .
8 For one awful heart-stopping second she felt as if she was going to fall , here , now , right in front of high and mighty Luke …
9 A sudden wave of panic swept over her and she glanced at the others but it did n't seem as if she was going to learn anything for the moment .
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