Example sentences of "as [conj] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Which is not to say he 's a hippy soul surfer , a revivalist sporting a long Malibu board and casually riding a wave 's length as if strolling in the park .
2 He stood with his back to the fire , dominating the room and as if trying at the same time to dominate Sarella 's thoughts .
3 as if contending with the elements were not enough , ’ Matthau recalled , ‘ Barbra kept asking Gene whether he did n't think it would be better if I did this on this line , and that on the other , etc , etc- and I told her to stop directing the fucking picture …
4 Corbelled gargoyles bristled , as if spewing into the warp .
5 Googol fiddled ostentatiously with the bandana round his brow as if toying with the idea of removing what masked his third eye , the warp-eye , a hostile glare from which could kill , as was widely known though seldom tested .
6 Changed , he returned into the lounge to find her standing at the window again , as if watching for the assassin 's return .
7 He tilts his head and gazes into my face as if searching for the answer .
8 He paused , as if searching for the right words .
9 ‘ Guy is not a yuppie , ’ Charles remonstrated , in the voice he reserved for humouring his little sister when she was being most irritating , ‘ He just happens to be a very successful … ’ her brother hesitated a fraction as if searching for the most appropriate description ‘ … entrepreneur . ’
10 Mona and Sheila were so poised on the edge of their own lives that they listened as if hearing about the living stream they were about to enter .
11 Mona and Shiela were so poised on the edge of their own lives that they listened as if hearing about the living stream they were about to enter . ’
12 When , in the last play of the Henry VI trilogy , the future Richard III is presenting to the audience his capabilities — as if auditioning for the role of hypocrite — he exults at being able to By grouping all those exempla of deceit Shakespeare makes us unconscious of the initial role-playing of the actor involved , alerting us to the deceptions he is about to foist on others .
13 She examined her hands , white with chalk , as if looking for the source of some small pain , then gave up on that and began to dust herself down .
14 Below them were straight roads ridged above the fields , with villages strung along them as if clinging to the security of high ground ; isolated farms with their roofs so low that they looked half submerged in the peat ; an occasional church tower standing majestically apart from its village with the gravestones planted round it like crooked teeth .
15 The thatched roof of the lodge creaked as if mourning over the dreadful secrets of the priory .
16 His voice was no more than a faint whisper now but it was as if his words were spraying vitriol on her face , because she tossed her head from side to side as if throwing off the spray .
17 She took my arm , fingers digging through several layers of clothing , as if reaching for the bone .
18 Frau Nordern raised her head as if appealing to the Deity presiding over the church .
19 Mosley , as if capitulating to the iron logic of Fascism , confronted the question of race at a final Albert Hall rally on 28 October 1934 .
20 She raises her eyes to the wonder of its beauty , sometimes tilting her head as if listening to the music echoing round her .
21 The information can be given in the form of a poster , letters , tape-recorded message ( as if coming over the radio ) , video-tape ( TV news ) , or on a computer screen .
22 Philippa sat cross-legged beside the bed , as if meditating on the carpet .
23 ‘ Stella , ’ he called again , as if asking for the only person he needed .
24 You do not warm to this lady , who delivers her lines to camera as if waiting for the canned laughter .
25 The four surviving landscapes Modigliani painted are dry , limpid scenes with an air of desolation ; trees dominate , cypress trees or leafless trees , standing like sentinels in front of the houses and buildings , as if waiting for the people to emerge .
26 The matrons with their marked brows , hooped earrings and prominent noses had hardly altered , though the scarlet and mulberry cloaks painted in the tombs had vanished from all but the youngest and luckiest women among Davide 's kin , for a single death in the family charred them all , turning young and old into sable-winged crow-women — in churches , at the threshing , at the well , as if flocking in the turned field .
27 She clapped her hands together , as if dusting off the flour .
28 I ask them to form a circle , as if standing around the hole , and close their eyes .
29 Moths fluttered in the light of lamps hanging from the trees as if dancing to the soft , rhythmic jingle of the cicadas .
30 She flushed and hesitated , as if realizing for the first time where all this was leading .
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