Example sentences of "as [conj] it [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The wall was as transparent as glass , but it was as if it revealed only another wall of uniform greyness .
2 ‘ It was as if it knew exactly where to go . ’
3 The Viennese piano is often discussed as if it developed along one path , as if each improvement followed the previous one in an orderly fashion .
4 " You speak of the OTC market as if it does n't exist .
5 I shrug and look away , as if it does n't matter .
6 Where the statute looks as if it does not cover certain forms of conduct the courts have sometimes read the statute widely to convict the " manifestly guilty " .
7 And so far , with our results , it looks as if it does not seem to have a major impact on our patients , so we may be doing something that does n't er particularly help the patients , and this is very important since we spend a lot of time doing these sorts of er procedures in our patients .
8 And Caroline , who had never developed the art of flirting , behaved as if it came as naturally to her as breathing .
9 Delaney stood with one foot on the hull of the craft that looked as if it owed more to space technology than to marine engineering .
10 In other words , in those studies where children heard both more and less in the same trials or same sessions , and where there were more than two responses possible , they showed no evidence of treating less as if it meant more .
11 ‘ Oh , that , ’ said William , as if it had completely slipped his mind and he 'd have been quite happy talking about Satan and Hell and related matters for the rest of the afternoon .
12 He saw himself , as in a mirror , lifting the black cloth from her white flesh , felt , as if it had already happened , the softness of her body closing around him .
13 Susan felt the gesture as if it had barely lapsed — felt his hand on the nape of her neck , the gentle pull that turned her face up to his — and she cried out , almost as if she hoped to be heard .
14 Even her heart : she felt as if it had barely room to beat .
15 There 's somethin' offensive aboot seein' it destroyed as if it had nae right tae exist .
16 ‘ Do you want to come over for dinner sometime ? ’ said Jay , as if it had just occurred to her .
17 It looked as if it had just been brought home by Susan from Blackpool .
18 At last the restoration was completed and R5868 looked as if it had just come off the production line , a fine tribute to F/L Peaple and his team .
19 She noticed that his hair had scissor marks in it , as if it had just been dry cut .
20 In either case , a court which revokes the order following a breach will be empowered to sentence the offender as if it had just convicted him of the original offence .
21 I stared stupidly at the bag in my hand as if it had just been dropped there from a helicopter .
22 The Z88 's line editor may then be used to edit the line as if it had just been typed in .
23 The line to be edited is now in the input buffer and may be edited as if it had just been typed in .
24 She said , ‘ Oh , I see , ’ as if it had n't been obvious to her that the photograph was old .
25 The remark was so puzzling Pascoe continued as if it had n't been spoken .
26 The feeling almost wiped out that terrible year as if it had n't happened at all .
27 ‘ The evil of Sauron can not be wholly cured ’ , replies Gandalf , ‘ nor made as if it had not been . ’
28 He seemed surprised as if it had not occurred to him that literature might let him down in this way .
29 Her mother had been so excited at the attention paid to her , almost as if it had not been Louise but she herself who was attracting the attention of the young gentlemen .
30 Charlie Singer appeared in front of the hotel and went towards the railway station , moving fast as if it had suddenly started to rain .
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