Example sentences of "as [conj] [pron] 've been " in BNC.

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1 I f I shall feel as if we 've been from here cos when I was first married we lived up round the next road .
2 Most of the flowerbeds that look as if they 've been there forever were in fact made after Peter 's death .
3 The graphics look as if they 've been ported directly across from a Spectrum .
4 It looks as if they 've been washed .
5 ‘ It 's almost as if they 've been told to keep their distance . ’
6 Sometimes my tears are so hot they feel as if they 've been baking inside me , sometimes they feel bigger and wetter , sometimes rather lighter and not so salty .
7 Well do do n't look as if they 've been used does it ?
8 I did hang them up matron said Mary Lou mildly , I know I did , then Mary Lou 's tennis racket sudden showed three broken strings , they were not frayed , but looked as if they 've been cut , Mary Lou was upset .
9 And er video camera and lighting among them and er they look as if they 've been in place for hours .
10 I feel as if I 've been given knock-out drops .
11 ‘ But it looks as if I 've been lucky and escaped the worst of it .
12 The tree blurs , as if I 've been crying
13 I can just hear your voice answering the phone , as if I 've been to the shop for some ciggies and I 'm back late .
14 " Lord , I feel as if I 've been living with this case for ever ! "
15 " Do you know , I feel as if I 've been asleep .
16 I feel as if I 've been whisked away to another world , ’ she breathed , her face radiant .
17 ‘ Carrington , I must admit I never much believed in any of this malarkey , but it looks as if I 've been proved wrong .
18 ‘ I feel , ’ he said , ‘ as if I 've been waiting a hundred years for you . ’
19 I feel very bitter about this , it seems as if I 've been wasting my time . ’
20 I feel very bitter about this , it seems as if I 've been wasting my time . ’
21 I have to you know , and , and besides , when I come out of there I look like as if I 've been .
22 The staff say you always look as if you 've been sleeping in haystacks these days .
23 ‘ My word , ’ said the sergeant , gazing at her blackened face and hands and torn frock , ‘ you look as if you 've been climbing trees . ’
24 ‘ And you 're dirty and sloppy and you look as if you 've been dragged backwards through a hedge , the lot of you !
25 That way it will look as if you 've been asking around about me . ’
26 You look as if you 've been bickering with a volcano . ’
27 ‘ Sounds as if you 've been waiting a long time , ’ she said soothingly .
28 You look as if you 've been in a concentration camp you do ! and that 's the truth .
29 Every area you look at South Africa in a report I gave to the Norwegian government which they commissioned we pointed out every area is like a major disaster area as if you 've been hit by an earthquake in every area of human activity and that situation needs something like a martial plan if we are , a martial aid plan , if we 're to address it but in the world we live in there 's no prospect of such assistance coming to Southern Africa .
30 ‘ Sounds as if you 've been making a few plans , Mr Calder ! ’
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