Example sentences of "as [art] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Stamford became the capital of a huge kingdom extending right across central England ( it is still referred to as the capital of the Fens ) and King Penda ( c.577–655 ) , the last pagan King of Mercia , had his palace here .
2 Major Iron Age stronghold , but much better known as the capital of the Ancient Nabataeans , fourth century BC to sixth century AD .
3 Traditionally looked upon as the capital of the former Visigothic kingdom of Aquitaine it seemed therefore to belong to Aquitaine .
4 Undismayed , Aarau carried on with the building of the Laurenzenvorstadt to house its responsibilities as the capital of the canton .
5 Whatever Edward IV had initially envisaged as the relationship between the two men , Gloucester gained the upper hand almost immediately .
6 My hon. Friend the Member for Linlithgow ( Mr. Dalyell ) raised some extremely interesting issues which we do not have time to debate today but which I hope will be debated in the other place , such as the relationship between the putative funding council and the Scottish Office .
7 Whatever Edward IV had initially envisaged as the relationship between the two men , Gloucester gained the upper hand almost immediately .
8 As the performance of the two is relatively similar and inverted files are more widely used in their own right , most of this chapter deals with serial and inverted files .
9 Details of the exact nature of the writing tested , such as the size of the script , the quality of script , the speed it was written , the pen type , tablet resolution and so on are often sadly lacking in research papers .
10 Mr Davis , can you , would you like to sum up , and pick up these points , and before , I 'm going to bowl you a googly here , erm you have talked about fourteen hundred , as the size for the new settlement , erm , is that the top figure , or is that a figure to which you might aim by the year two thousand and six , but may have potential for growth beyond it .
11 One was the inflow of pounds into the Exchange Equalisation Account as the counterpart of the loss of reserves .
12 Jesus is also pictured as consorting with women tabooed because of their sinful or their gentile status or the combination of the two , such as the healing of the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman ( Matt.
13 De Man places the image firmly on the side of the inner world , a metaphor that functions as the paradigm of the synthetic power of Marcel 's imagination .
14 As the clarity of the perception of youth as a problem sharpened , so new images emerged .
15 Brenda Sutcliffe should also be remembered as the organiser of the first British Deaf Choir .
16 Reviewed last week as the flip to the Maniac Street Preachers ' ‘ Theme From MASH ’ , but here again so that I can say it 's one of the best records I 've heard all year .
17 It took place quite a long time ago , it is known as the cessation of the plebs there were two occasions on which the workers of of Ancient Rome and withdrew from the city and their t the terms on which as as far as I recollect the terms of their return where that somebody should write down the law in comprehensible terms and that there should be a special officer , a tribune appointed who could if necessary explain what the law was to them .
18 He refers to customs in his school days such as the keeping of the Day of the Festival of Bridget , when they took to school a few silver coins as an offering to the teacher , and the boy and girl who took most were called the King and the Queen of the school for a year .
19 He refers to customs in his school days such as the keeping of the Day of the Festival of Bridget , when they took to school a few silver coins as an offering to the teacher , and the boy and girl who took most were called the King and the Queen of the school for a year .
20 Specifically , it is to query the new received wisdom , that the alternative party to the Conservatives in British politics has only to take the consumerist road , and present itself as the protector of the individual against Big Business and Big Government .
21 With Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa established as the standard-bearer of the Democratic Party 's liberal wing in the nomination race , Clinton 's strategy , like that of Bob Kerrey , was to present himself as a " new " alternative offering change from the party 's past ( see p. 38427 ) .
22 As the mass of the inhabitants of Camberwell could not afford to move further out to the wealthier suburbs , most families stayed put .
23 We are helping with some specific problems that will occur in the run-down , such as the expansion of the former military hospital at Dharan .
24 Oil prices remained 35 per cent higher than at the same time the previous year , the prospect of increased trade with Saudi Arabia and Iran opened up and major development projects , such as the expansion of the Das Island gas liquefaction plant and Dubai 's dhow wharfage scheme , recommenced .
25 These interviews were intended to provide information as to how well specific objectives , such as the awareness of the tools for information retrieval , had been achieved .
26 A linear decrease in refractive index is observed as the temperature increases , and as the transition is passed , the rate of decrease becomes greater ; T g is again taken as the intersection of the linear extrapolation .
27 A History of the Life of Jesus Research ’ ) , translated into English as The Quest of the Historical Jesus .
28 Some other topics , such as the discussion of the Asiatic mode of production and the notion of ideology , will also be left to other parts of the book .
29 As the discussion in the previous chapter indicated , the central sociological effect of economic transnational practices revolves around the impact of the TNCs on employment .
30 After subtraction of background cpm values , the percentage of shielding was calculated as the ratio between the shielded cpm and total counts without shielding .
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