Example sentences of "as [adj] [noun] or [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A selection of fine-tipped artist brushes is invaluable for painting icing and marzipan with food colouring , and can be used for delicate detailing such as facial features or modelled figures and other objects , and for large-scale washed effects .
2 Similarly , the decline of the welfare state means that people are increasingly treated as private citizens or defined by gender , race , religion and ‘ class fractions ’ rather than as standard ‘ people ’ with standard needs .
3 Providing such deficits are kept within manageable proportions they can usually be financed by means of capital inflows such as foreign investment or incurring debts to overseas banks .
4 The patient with chronic pain is often mentally depressed and there may have been adverse experiences such as sexual abuse or threatening life events .
5 Books by , and about , lesbians have been in comparative abundance in the last 5 years or so but it 's debatable whether this literary output has served as insular affirmations or taken lesbian sexuality a little further down the road of acceptance .
6 As the technical programmes evolved , they gave rise to commercial activities — such as selling fuel elements and graphite to the civil power stations — and as these matured it became the practice to spin them off as separate entities or to transfer the technology and the responsibility to commercial organisations .
7 They may use gross insults to intimidate , and endearments to redefine what they have done as consensual sex or love instead of rape , assault and battery .
8 helicopters are used to mount operations such as snap roadblocks or to deposit surveillance teams in rural areas
9 When other markers of electrical instability are used such as late potentials or programmed ventricular stimulation this relationship still holds .
10 Parents are generally supportive and regularly visit the school both as adult helpers or to talk to staff .
11 For example , some people define ‘ language ’ in such a way that only a system of intentional communication between conspecifics could count as language , and some regard abstract features such as syntactic structure or individuating reference to past events as necessary to ‘ language ’ .
12 Studies of pronuclear division in fertilized eggs are useful for assessing the primary level of chromosome abnormalities , some of which may act as zygotic lethals or become disguised in subsequent cleavages .
13 We deride our democracy and itch to find ways of improving it , such as proportional representation or abolishing the House of Lords .
14 Please attach any additional material such as promotional literature or press releases .
15 Their motives were seen as malicious damage or play rather than mental disorder or the settling of grudges .
16 Can be used as New Roof or to Replace Existing Faulty Roofing
17 In my view , the better approach is when older people collaborate as fellow students or teaches , rather than the more common approach where schoolchildren organise tea parties or collect money or presents for ‘ needy old people ’ .
18 Often they will suggest calling in other experts such as structural engineers or woodworm/damp specialists .
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