Example sentences of "as [noun] or [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you can not get to water , use any bland , cold liquid such as milk or lemonade to bathe the area .
2 Some horses become excited and upset if something goes a bit wrong when they are in harness , such as chains or ropes becoming entangled around their feet .
3 The problem is most crucial in the case of the provision of financial services such as banking or securities trading ; Community law implementing the single market provides for home country control but from the point of view of the investor in the host member state this is not necessarily the best solution , at least if the home member state 's rules are more relaxed than those of the host member state .
4 Other attempts to obstruct members in the execution of their duty such as bribery or threats have also constituted contempt .
5 These were defined as antegrade or retrograde based on their aborad or orad propagation respectively .
6 In districts where industrial crafts such as weaving or metalworking had been long established many families had a history of involvement in one or more of the local trades over several generations .
7 Problems arise in translation when a principle such as end-weight or end-focus seems to clash with more basic grammatical principles in the target language .
8 They suggested that pollution stresses combined to weaken the trees so that , when a ‘ normal ’ stress such as frost or drought came along , the tree died or went into a rapid decline , before succumbing to competition from neighbours or invasion by fungal pests or other disease organisms .
9 The fact that number is a grammatical category in English means that an English speaker or writer who uses a noun such as student or child has to choose between singular and plural .
10 Individual animals and people are seen as people or animals acting as ‘ survival machines ’ , being largely programmed by their genes towards the expansion of inclusive fitness and the use of resources to that end .
11 It was originally inspired by a French invention , the Groupement d'Intérét Economique , allowing an association of companies wishing to pool resources such as staff or offices to pursue a particular activity without affecting their individual independence , or creating separate limited liability or a new profit centre .
12 This pressure may be experienced as agitation or inclination to eat more .
13 Middle-aged , semi-retired businessmen in provinces such as Manchester or Leicester seemed particularly susceptible to this .
14 The shield may not have proved quite so strong as they had expected , and in more recent times it has been supported by offensive weapons , such as inspections or investigations instigated by the Department of Trade and Industry .
15 A delicious dessert — even better with a little orange liqueur , such as Cointreau or Drambuie added to the filling .
16 If demographic facts on numbers of old people , school-age children , etc. , are taken into account , the resources devoted to services such as health or education do not seem to have increased immoderately .
17 Small group methods such as seminars or demonstrations appear to be more suitable for teaching about online IR .
18 This consists of measuring or estimating financial factors such as cost or profit associated with the products being considered and drawing a histogram of money against product or element type .
19 This consists of measuring or estimating financial factors such as cost or profit associated with the products being considered and drawing a histogram of money against product or element type .
20 It should be borne in mind that despite the fact that psychiatric diseases such as depression or manic-depression tend to be vastly over-diagnosed , particularly in sufferers from alcoholism ( in whom these features may be indications of their primary disease of alcoholism ) , some patients do have both addictive disease and psychiatric disease and need appropriate treatment for both .
21 Rather than attempting to repeat and surpass the exalted projects of Sartre or Althusser in a new guise , later writers such as Foucault or Derrida learnt a lesson from history , and stopped to ask why such comprehensive theories , like so many of those which preceded them , could not hold together .
22 It is doubtful that such activities can be interpreted as remnants from pre-communist society , soon to disappear as socialism or communism comes of age .
23 Secondly the operating environment must allow simple and effective data transfer between programs , this is standard on an Apple Macintosh but on the PC one needs software such as GEM or Windows to achieve it .
24 Climatology is probably the most data-rich branch , in which maps showing mean values of climatic elements such as precipitation or temperature had been long-established and numerous attempts had been made to classify climates upon a world basis .
25 The primary replicates data changes or transactions to subscribers as updates or inserts occur on that primary server .
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