Example sentences of "can still [verb] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you are not part of a discussion group you can still represent your parish at the Diocesan Assembly and become involved in local and Diocesan events that develop from there .
2 e.g. an undamaged chair which was part of a three piece suite can still fulfill its function .
3 And so on and I 'm pleased to say that they came back saying , Yeah we can still hold our head up high .
4 ‘ I can still advance you funds , sir .
5 But shareholders can still make their investment work for them — by filling their trolleys at the right superstores this weekend .
6 And so he can still express his aspiration towards that " wholeness " in terms of a unifying Schopenhauerianism .
7 Yeah well we can still change our mind in any case ca n't we ?
8 ‘ I can still pay my way . ’
9 He 's retired now , but he can still twist his body into positions most TEENAGERS could n't manage .
10 Men can still realise what women do , but it is difficult for women to understand how the men play . ’
11 Even if the slide is not feasible , you can still throw your centre of gravity forward , so that weight increases on the leading leg .
12 Wear sunscreen even if you are sitting under a parasol — the sun 's rays can still reach your skin
13 We can still give our opponent the chance to back off , we can still use reason , but he or she must realize that the wrong person has been picked for breakfast .
14 ‘ A man can be dead tired after a week 's work but he can still give his wife a helping hand .
15 In the Tory camp the view is Gloucestershire CAN still maintain its level of service .
16 To take the weakest case first ; even if the sceptic were unwise enough to admit that any assertion involves a claim to knowledge and that he is asserting his conclusion that knowledge is impossible , he can still maintain his position .
17 Whether or not Unix Labs is successful in its appeal , it believes it can still win its case on its other claims of misappropriation , misrepresentation , trade mark infringement and breach of contract .
18 Whether or not USL is successful in its appeal , it believes it can still win its case on its other claims of misappropriation , misrepresentation , trade mark infringement and breech of contract .
19 It 's fine to assert yourself , to demand , to challenge , to clear the air — even to abuse — you can still win your argument doing any of these .
20 I can still remember my excitement as I opened the box .
21 Then she 'll pout her lips and look cross , and you can still see her thinking : ‘ No , I 'm getting nowhere with that . ’
22 I can still see my hand
23 I mean I can still see my hand moving
24 ‘ Yes , I can still see my mother at the urn . ’
25 She might have offered something to eat , as most Northern women believe they have a mission in life to feed up any male who can still see his feet .
26 I can still hear your laughter when I said , ‘ Who 's Patricia ? ’ and still do n't know why it was so funny but , God , you looked fine .
27 Dana read a group of modern Americans , which must have annoyed the British , starting with Elizabeth Bishop 's ‘ The Fish ’ — I can still hear his voice , the faint American accent and the hushed astonishment he put into the first line : ‘ I caught a tremendous fish … . ’
28 I can still hear his plaintiff cry , in a strong Durham accent , before the cast broke : ‘ He 's pulling al me line oot . ’
29 Unlike Salman Rushdie , he can still take his walks through the back streets of his chosen city .
30 Despite the current problem of over-population , the Vatican can still impose its strictures on birth control and abortion — not on social or moral grounds , but on theological .
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