Example sentences of "can also be [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover since the structural changes associated with the transition occur monotonically , it seems that a significant B II contribution to a conformational equilibrium can also be ruled out .
2 For the same reason solidification of an appreciable fraction of the mantle can also be ruled out over the same period of history .
3 The other end of the scale — micros — can also be ruled out .
4 Rocks can also be broken up by microbes finding their way into cracks and crevices , exposing more surfaces which can then absorb more CO 2 , and so forth .
5 The broad Shetlander identity can also be broken down into various sorts of identities .
6 For example , Bracey ( 1958 ) in a study of 375 Somerset parishes found that , in general , the more remote and less well serviced parishes were those with the worst and most persistent depopulation , and findings like this only encouraged the further development of theories of settlement concentration in the 1960s although these can also be traced back as far as 1918 , when Peake ( 1918 ) advocated equally-spaced villages with populations of between 1,000 and 1,500 people .
7 Each side panel can also be gathered in to be used as a doorway .
8 Headers and footers can also be turned off when not required .
9 The force within can also be manipulated through … Dieting , in which you are discouraged from eating meat because it provokes unhelpful vibrations and produces what might be called static interference in meditation .
10 Dissolves can also be edited in but require the use of rather more sophisticated equipment than for simple fades .
11 The conflicts which have developed over land and housing can also be linked up to the very mobility of incomers .
12 The extent of the coverage is seen as more reliable than the scattered ground-based measurements , although other scientists have pointed out that atmospheric temperatures are not so relevant for surface life , and that the microwave readings can also be thrown out by water droplets and other atmospheric particles .
13 PostScript images can also be read in but these will be boxed to provide a regular shape for the run-round .
14 Sections that have been saved to disk from other designs can also be imported on to the current grid , so a completely new pattern could be created simply by combining various sections from other designs .
15 It holds between 3,000 and 4,000 altogether , but it can also be divided up by electronically controlled , walls to give one area of half its size and two quarter areas .
16 Their victory can also be put down to the lack of a co-ordinated attack by the Whites .
17 Excessive perspiration in poorly ventilated footwear invites infection which can also be picked up in the changing rooms of public swimming pools or sports centres .
18 They are present in house dust ; they stick to clothing , carpets , towels and bedlinen ; they can also be picked up in garden soil , on unwashed vegetables and salads , or from contact with someone who already has worms .
19 If those same atoms can also be switched off , they could form the digital ‘ ones ’ and ‘ zeros ’ of an atomic-scale data storage device that could store the complete works of Shakespeare on an area less than 1 hundredth of a millimetre across .
20 Interactive , multicomponent digital image processing of the entire database can also be carried out using the Geochemical Interactive Systems Analysis ( GISA ) facility at the National Remote Sensing Centre ( Appendix 2.2 ) .
21 The excursion can also be carried out by public transport by taking an SBB train ( a " regional " ie , stopping at all stations ) from Brunnen to Altdorf ( Official Timetable No 600 ) and a postbus to Bauen ( Timetable No 600.33 ) from which a return by boat would add variety .
22 Blending can also be carried out on shapes where the tool produces the in-between stages .
23 The program title is misleading as the operations can also be carried out on floppy disks .
24 I hope that , at the end of the debate on the guillotine motion , it will be clear that more frequent inspections can also be carried out .
25 The final result can also be carried back into whatever program you were running before you used the calculator and is printed at the current cursor position .
26 Modern Fourier transform interferometers , designed to operate mainly in the IR , can also be used up to 16 000 cm -1 or so , covering part of the visible region , and instruments designed to cover the entire visible region should be available soon .
27 It can also be brought on by incorrect or over-feeding , low oxygen levels or sudden temperature changes .
28 Of course changes in national income can also be brought about by variations in the proportion of national income that is taken in imports and saving .
29 Building extends the grammar , by correlation ; but it can also be looked on as a way of extending the vocabulary of the learner .
30 They are allowed one Int test per round to see the illusion for what it is , although they can also be helped out of the chamber by unaffected comrades .
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