Example sentences of "can be use [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 This can be used to replace or supplement a cylinder overflow area ; it is a form of distributed free space that is more evenly available through the file than a cylinder overflow area .
2 In this chapter we shall explore how drama can be used alongside other subjects ; how it can be used to create and enhance learning opportunities , to stimulate research , and to give cross-curricular coherence .
3 It is this procedure , described in Chapter 6 on the application of the hierarchical engineering records management system , that can be used to control and manage the design process .
4 Procedure Audit can be used to examine and review any of these , not as a financial tool or a means of apportioning blame for failure , but as a device for assessing the effectiveness of a procedure and the efficient use of associated resources .
5 The holding company will receive the dividend as FII , which can be used to eliminate or reduce the ACT on its own dividends .
6 What methods can be used to eliminate or reduce noise ?
7 Complex statistical multivariate procedures can be used to correlate and group market research data so as to give a statistically accurate identification of : * the size of segment groups and their similarities ; * the differences between the various groupings of attribute sets ; * the relationship of these groups to important consumer , market or product/benefit requirements .
8 This project examines how far the model can be used to explain and possibly forecast car sales in the UK , France , Germany and Belgium .
9 Where significant work is envisaged in determining these factors MAS have in the past negotiated a separate investigation fee for a report on the business which can be used to highlight and rectify or address weaknesses prior to any investigation by the purchaser .
10 The corporate approach is a management instrument that can be used to serve or to oppose any particular external interests ’ ( Stewart J 1983 : 172 — 3 ) .
11 Moreover , if we examine social scientific practice at all closely we can often see how substantially the same data can be used to support or discredit very different , sometimes contrary , theories : the generic use of data and methods should not make this too surprising an observation .
12 My own line is studying the effect of lasers on chemical reactions to see if lasers can be used to stimulate or generate new novel types of chemical process .
13 We have seen how the form of the relations between body size and the size of organs or of territory can be used to generate and test hypotheses .
14 The object of this chapter is to show how the ideas presented in the earlier chapters can be used to collect and collate information on a specific question : ‘ Can smoking cause lung cancer ? ’
15 In other words , deviance can be used to suggest and support hypotheses about style ; but nothing can be adduced from , or proved by , statistics alone .
16 The outcome , instead , was an illustration of how a report of a committee of inquiry can be used to disarm and neutralise public and parliamentary agitation , regardless of the nature of its findings .
17 It can be used to communicate and to discommunicate , to bring people nearer to one another and to separate them ; to liberate human beings and to control them ; to iron out differences and to make and establish differences ; to clarify and mystify .
18 Made from microwave-friendly materials , it can be used to brew and re-heat coffee quickly and removing the plunger transforms it into a stylish juice jug .
19 The same procedures ( locating ground control points , computing a map-to-image and image-to-map transform , and resampling to generate a corrected output image ) can be used to register or overlay two images of the same area taken at different dates .
20 Behaviour can help or hinder just like a hammer that can be used to construct or destroy .
21 ‘ Autolocator ’ buttons can be used to locate and recall specific points on the tape , or check these locations and automatically return the tape to the main counter return point at 0000 .
22 The mouse can be used to drag and drop tables , join fields , etc. to construct quite complex queries without having to enter any complex program codes .
23 From the perspective of power we can suggest , similarly , that power can be used to aid or hinder the organisation .
24 This may be considered as a node or tooling point which can be used to position and align the object within the machine space ( shown in the following examples as a triangled three-axis cross with a directional arrow through it ) .
25 What can realistically be accomplished by Community Economic Development strategies and what criteria can be used to determine and evaluate success ?
26 But an excellent book by Ian Crosby and Jim Traynor ( 1985 ) relates specifically to older people , and explains how group exercises can be used to enhance and extend the learning potential of groups .
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