Example sentences of "can be [verb] [prep] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Because such objects gain value as time elapses it means that a profit can be realised by anyone patient enough to conceal them for twenty years .
2 Just so she can be mistaken for someone else . ’
3 Contradictions can be subsumed in something so unproblematic as the designation of places .
4 As public documents they can be scrutinised by anyone prepared to pay the search fee .
5 It can be shown that semantic network representations are formally equivalent to semantic feature representations , in as much as any information that can be represented in one can be represented in the other .
6 A member of the committee can be represented by someone else provided that person is holding a letter of authority duly signed by the member ( r 6.156 ) .
7 I say again that in Northern Ireland the Housing Executive has spent a great deal more per capita than is the case elsewhere and that can be seen by anyone who visits public sector housing in Northern Ireland .
8 But a great deal can be done by everyone involved in food handling — including people in their own homes — to reduce the incidence of food poisoning dramatically .
9 The task of ordering the Church 's worship is too awesome to be left to chance , either in the hope that the person responsible for it will pick up the necessary skills or in the belief that it can be done by anyone .
10 This can be done by anyone , including the defender or the insurer in the interest of speed if necessary .
11 Just as missiles can be guided from aircraft that did not launch them , so jamming can be done by someone else on the bomber 's behalf ; division of labour pays off in battles , too .
12 Voicing of complaints can be done by someone who assumes the status of acting as collective mouthpiece .
13 In normal circumstances these principles or facts of human life can be defeated by one means only : death .
14 On the one hand , it would seem that if a claim can be framed as one in contract or tort , or if it concerns a private legal right , it need not be brought under Ord. 53 even if the very ground on which the respondent 's action is alleged to be a tort or breach of contract is that it was illegal in a public law sense .
15 This kind of work can be achieved with someone who is mentally impaired by using skills that build trust , and trying to understand the meaning of the experience in the light of the person 's past history .
16 The preceding sentence , " They are not at fault ; they " seem to have been born that way " is itself an honest acceptance that addictive disease is stronger in some people than in others and that the acceptance of defeat and the wish " to go to any lengths " to get into recovery is ultimately a personal decision for each sufferer and not something that can be imposed by anyone else .
17 The kinetic treatment of crystallization from the melt is based on the radial growth of a front through space and can be likened to someone scattering a handful of gravel onto the surface of a pond .
18 The box bellows is a simple device which can be constructed by anyone with rudimentary carpentry skills .
19 Men of his age can be manipulated by anyone with a ha'p'orth of brains .
20 There seems to me to have been a growing wish to find this ‘ philosopher 's stone ’ , a universal system which can be applied to everything , everywhere .
21 We were high above Goyt Valley on a sombre millstone grit moor ‘ which , ’ said the guide book , ‘ can be tackled by anyone sound in wind and limb . ’
22 It is not hard to see how permission can be conceived as something which throws the action permitted into the future : one generally gets permission first and then performs the action permitted after .
23 A basilican church , like these early Christian ones , can be defined as one having the following features :
24 They convey a double sense of experience : that of a linear process ; but also of an eternal state of being which informs and transcends it , and which is accessed within the structure of human nature , itself programmed with a restlessness that can be assuaged by nothing less .
25 ‘ What can happen in one 's middle-fifties one can be bugged by something they say that makes you react as if you are six .
26 The central issue raised by the appeal is whether a plea of autrefois convict can be sustained by anything less than evidence that the offence with which the defendant stands charged has already been the subject of a complete adjudication against him by a court of competent jurisdiction comprising both the decision establishing his guilt ( whether it be the decision of the court or of the jury or the entry of his own plea ) and the final disposal of the case by the court by passing sentence or making some other order such as an order of absolute discharge .
27 To designate the support of the notion " beautiful " one must make the adjective incident to another word , normally a substantive , as in a beautiful painting , because the notion of " beautiful " itself can be said of anything that strikes the speaker as having this quality : a beautiful sunset , a beautiful house , a beautiful stallion , a beautiful thought , etc .
28 The first programmes for the new Accountancy TV service ( see ACCOUNTANCY , August , p 99 ) can be received by anyone with a TV set .
29 The siege of Saint-Sauveur can be regarded as something of a landmark in the development of the practical use of artillery .
30 ( Help can be given to anyone in trouble ) .
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