Example sentences of "can be [adj] to the " in BNC.

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1 This can be disadvantageous to the plaintiff if , for instance , the defendant 's report paints a gloomier picture than the plaintiff 's report .
2 In the latter case , one 's evidence is likely to be discounted by both sides simultaneously , which can be frustrating to the researcher to find himself to be ‘ the pig in the middle ’ .
3 The clubs can be custom-fitted to the individual , which is another persuasive selling point , and I liked the way they sat at address and the fact that they were easy to align .
4 This can be helpful to the inexperienced selector if the pictures are a true representation of the book .
5 Helen Gardner was aware of the problem , observing that the pursuit of image patterns , or of the ideas in a poem , can be useful to the interpreter , but can not ‘ be more than auxiliary in leading us to the true ‘ meaning' ’ of the work , which is the meaning which enlarges our own imaginative life . ’
6 This can be useful to the learner-reader , providing extra cues to the text , and to ‘ the learner-learner ’ — the person learning to gather and process ideas , or the person entering a new field of knowledge or experience .
7 Without the gun but armed with suitable words , symbols or grimaces , a pointing gesture can be intimidating to the recipient .
8 Secondary porosities can be due to the dissolution of detrital grains ( Fig. 5.16c , d ) , of cements and authigenic minerals ( Fig. 5.16e ) plus shrinkage of certain sediments ( particularly glauconitic sediments ) , and fracturing after cementation .
9 Searching for papers can be annoying to the person being called and it wastes time and money .
10 This th w Wong actually calls this the ratification of the Party which can be cross-referred to the nineteen thirty seven policies were happening .
11 Make colour 1 any shade you like , but remember that this will be the colour of the design screen you will be working on , so try not to make the colour too violent a shade , as this can be tiring to the eyes .
12 For Hirst this means that there can be no Marxist ‘ science of history ’ that can be opposed to the essentialism and teleology of a philosophy of history .
13 Apart from anything else , readings can be misleading to the uninitiated .
14 The arrestants can be directly injected into the later fetuses to greatly increase metaphase numbers but the procedure requires operative skill and can be traumatic to the mother .
15 This dual presentation , or co-morbidity , of alcohol misuse and mental health problems can be crucial to the effectiveness of any social work help .
16 This can be crucial to the outcome of the case and the satisfaction of the client .
17 Bishop Jim Thompson , in Half Way , comments : ‘ The homosexual who has never had a physical relationship , because of religious conviction , or fear , or lack of opportunity , can be subject to the same panic in midlife as the heterosexual spinster or bachelor .
18 And anything within the storm ‘ funnel ’ , as we call it , can be subject to the phenomenon or anything which passes through it .
19 Workshops , garages , and the vehicle dispatch and receipt areas can be subject to the same control ( previously the Factories Act ) and more specific requirements will be necessary for the storage of hazardous liquids , gases and combustibles , generally , with supporting requirements for fire fighting equipment .
20 Not every decision can be pre-planned to the last detail — we know you are good at that .
21 There is an extensive vocabulary of special terms to describe karst landforms which can be confusing to the uninitiated , and even to the expert .
22 Counselling help and support at this stage can be vital to the way that individuals learn to face up to their lives as post-generation parents .
23 Baldwin 's ( 1985 , p. 142 ) work on bringing up handicapped children indicates that grandparents often buy necessities such as food and clothing , and this can be vital to the finances of a household where having a handicapped child creates additional expense .
24 This consists of 12 credits ( see page 6 ) , six of which can be common to the National Certificate ( Skillstart 2 ) .
25 Shift-work hours are not merely inconvenient but they can be disturbing to the functioning of the whole family .
26 This will mean that any person can be liable to the acquirer for the full liability , with a separate right for that person subsequently to obtain contributions from other people liable .
27 Some doctors have interpreted this broadly , since an unwanted pregnancy can be catastrophic to the life of a woman , so that abortion is granted to any woman who considers this to be the case .
28 Pims can be sensitive to the wrong water .
29 What you did went far beyond what can be acceptable to the rule of law .
30 It indicates the kind of approach to RE which wants to nurture pupils in values , attitudes and interests associated with religion , yet which can be acceptable to the widest number of people , including those who are not religious .
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