Example sentences of "can always [verb] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So in terms of commitment er County Councils can always look at the the route , it can always change its mind .
2 You can always change your mind , my dear . ’
3 ‘ I can always wave my crutches if I get excited , ’ she said .
4 No matter how often I arrive at Kyle , by land or sea , I can always admire its situation which , for a railhead town , takes some beating .
5 I can always check your passport . ’
6 In any case , young Gavin can always fill his shoes if he does n't appear — he 's been acting as understudy .
7 A good loading tune makes up for this , although in-game sound is limited to sparse hitting FX — oh well , you can always take your radio down to the beach !
8 I can always remember my holiday .
9 She joked : ‘ I get on well with all the guys , but if any of them get too frisky I can always use my army self-defence training to sort them out . ’
10 ‘ Whatever happens , I can always use my economics degree .
11 A people which grasps its sense of nationality with pleasure and love can always celebrate its rebirth .
12 But , because the umbilical goes through the basket , the diver can always find his way back .
13 A mayor who cultivates his senator has a hot line to the ministry , and can always find his niece a job with a pension .
14 I said do n't worry you can always sell your memoirs to the paper .
15 While they are best regarded as a medium to long term investment , you can always sell your units at any time you wish .
16 You get used to it … and you can always see your friends if it gets too much ’ .
17 Though she is an American tourist , she looks elegant in her high Italian boots and I think , I can always know my mother by the briskness of her gait and the suede upon her feet .
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