Example sentences of "can only be [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 The loss of basic medical sciences can only be detrimental to clinical teaching and research and to the staff of university hospitals .
2 ‘ These statistics show a worsening of relations between banks and construction that can only be detrimental to the country pulling out of recession .
3 Our support can only be effective to the extent that these universals obtain ; it certainly can not substitute for them .
4 That the government , local authorities and private companies are not queueing up to offer the resources to enable CABx to extend their work can only be due to the movement 's failure to make its point effectively .
5 This can only be due to Coleridge 's awareness and heightened sensitivity at these moments , which cause him ponder on his very means of creation and that of the emotions that cause him to write , which are therefore in a positive sense creative forces .
6 For the combination of studying alongside those with other career intentions and of blending literary and scientific studies can only be beneficial to the future teacher .
7 It can only be confusing to a pupil if features of dialect are ‘ corrected ’ at the same time and in the same way as , for example , spelling errors .
8 Whoever comes here can only be grateful to you , ’ argued Aycliffe .
9 Deepak Naik , of the National Council for Hindu Temples , said : ‘ This kind of thing can only be harmful to Hindu-ism and is typical of our materialistic world .
10 It is not the case that privatisation can only be attractive to operators if accompanied by large guarantees of taxpayers ' money ?
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