Example sentences of "can be say [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Two things can be said about this to avoid the impression that the different tendencies are simply expressions of a ‘ national character ’ , or of the irresponsibility of entertainment against the social purposiveness of public service — though the latter explanation , if understood historically rather than morally , is not completely without foundation .
2 In such a well studied and carefully recorded area , is there anything new that can be said about this Bronze Age landscape ?
3 The paucity of available evidence concerning the foundation of the institution and the activities of the early Muftis means that one can hope to do no more than to draw reasonable inferences from the little evidence that does exist ; and some of what can be said about these problems involves a projection backward from the activities of later Muftis and will therefore be considered in greater detail in later sections .
4 ‘ I do n't want to work for you , I 'm employed very nicely working for myself and the name of Morgan is respected already in town , which is more than can be said for that of the Grenfells . ’
5 ‘ More than can be said for that bastard Trentham . ’
6 Though he almost came a cropper on one occasion — United had just squandered a chance to cancel out the first-half lead Ian Baird had given Hearts — his footwork was pretty good , which is more than can be said for those on the pitch itself .
7 Like SuperCalc these are n't pictorial in content , but at least the shadowed button look makes them appear as if you should click then with a mouse — which is more than can be said for either of the other two packages .
8 Simon thought it sensible and practical ‘ which is more than can be said for most of their gimmicks , but ’ he warned her , ‘ if they like it they 'll take it over as their own .
9 One thing that can be said for this type of control is that you only need a minimum of movement in the pot to switch between crunch and scream .
10 ‘ When it comes to the purity of our water , we have virtually no traces of bacteria in the finished product , which is more than can be said for some other Common Market countries , ’ Dr Derek Miller , assistant director of the soon-to-be-privatised Water Research Centre told the newspaper .
11 But I 'm all right — which is more than can be said for some . ’
12 Happily , the Edwardians had considerable good taste , which is more than can be said for some of the awful designs of the late fifties which were in vogue during the transition from more traditional styles .
13 Which is more , my girl , than can be said for some . ’
14 But the Left did at least sense that Fascism presented an imminent threat to Britain and this is more than can be said for some of those holding the responsibility for Britain 's foreign policy and ultimate defence .
15 The most that can be said with any certainty is that the revolt was led by two families who were to play a great part in the next generation of Aquitainian politics , two families with whom Richard was to become very familiar : the house of Lusignan and the house of Angoulême .
16 The structure of a spoken language determines not who says what to whom , but what can be said at all in a given tongue , irrespective of who the interlocutors are .
17 It can be said of these strong-minded and independently gifted accomplices that their work shows a dimension of reciprocity and replication , of the production unit , which stands at an appreciable remove from parody and plagiarism , and from the mimicry of other people 's voices which is comprehended in the term ‘ ventriloquism ’ , which Amis goes in for in private , among friends , and which is also a pleasure of the novels he writes .
18 Also straights can vary tremendously in quality although the same can be said of some compound feeds by the way !
19 Which is more than can be said of some burger bars and ‘ diners ’ where the staff are young , dour and ca n't get home quick enough to swap their multinational uniforms for day-glo tracksuits and trainers ( I wonder where that fashion came from ? ) .
20 Much the same can be said of any reason for action .
21 But the question that arises is whether it can be said of any morality that it can not be divorced from religion .
22 But the same thing can be said of any major city in the world . ’
23 In Chapters 2 and 3 we saw that the lexical resources of a language influence to a large extent what can be said in that language as well as how it can be said .
24 Accordingly , the sentence " I am cutting the meat for mother " can be said in these three different ways : This leads to three different types of clauses according to whether it is the Subject , Object or Benefactor that is the topic .
25 All that can be said from this direction is that they are not getting any easier .
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