Example sentences of "can be see [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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31 The only council member who can be seen to be motivated by hostility to the family is William , lord Hastings .
32 The New Forms of production ( NFP ) can be seen to be of increasing power in certain circumstances .
33 It is here that theorisations which see the nuclear family as a means for controlling the working class in the ‘ interests of capitalism ’ can be seen to be inadequate .
34 The barbs can be seen to be separate branches lined with polyps .
35 The degree to which the ESSE/L Project can be seen to be radical either as an initiative , or in its actual impact in schools , depends on how close it comes to one or other of these doctrines .
36 5.4.7 Both schools illustrate the fact that developments in Stage 3 of the project can be seen to be of potentially greater significance than the immediate effects of securing and expending a Major grant .
37 In the final section ( 3.7 ) , we give a table of quantitative data from these three passages , so that our analysis can be seen to be based on " hard evidence " .
38 The sources of pottery found on a Roman site in London in the 3rd century can be seen to be widespread .
39 Hunter ( 1980 ) sees parallels with other pressures for change : ‘ arguments for participation in the classroom can be seen to be linked with the growing agitation for community participation in politics , industrial democracy and the feminist and anti-racialist movements ’ ( pp. 231 — 2 ) .
40 Calculations for the break-even point of the system will also have to be deferred until the new system can be seen to be at least as productive as the old .
41 During the years 1926 to 1935 , when , with her husband , she was a leading member of and exhibitor with the Seven and Five Society , her work was consistently praised for its idiosyncratic approach to light and colour , which can be seen to be her most important artistic legacy .
42 Both can be seen to be intermediate in form between their humbler , undeveloped counterparts , and those sites characterized by a more complex irregular network of streets behind the frontages .
43 The range can be seen to be surprisingly restricted , however , with the emphasis on basic services ( especially metalworking ) at most sites ; more specialized activities are less well represented .
44 Where the issue of assessment and examining in the arts becomes problematical is in those instances where the justification can be seen to be overtly influenced by external factors .
45 Some caputs can be seen to be the logical successors to Roman and pre-Roman sites , the latter remaining as hillforts which may have been reoccupied in post-Roman times .
46 Thus Lucas can be seen to be estimating a regression for each country in which that country 's deviation of real output from its natural level is regressed on its own lagged value and Lucas 's measure of the unpredictable and therefore unanticipated component of aggregate demand .
47 The project budget can be seen to be a result of the strategic planning ( Figure 2.2 ) loop 5 , 6 , 7 .
48 Referring to Figure 10.3 , the first quarter ‘ telling ’ can be seen to be a P-C transaction .
49 The logic factor can be seen to be bimodal in this part of its range .
50 Creativity can be seen to be complementary , rather than opposed , to conventional engineering , which must be present at an adequate level to permit a high quality solution .
51 This can be seen to be in accordance with the Yerkes-Dodson law if it is assumed that more difficult tasks are those which require greater attentional capacity ( c.f. Kahneman , 1973 ) .
52 The project budget can be seen to be a result of the strategic planning ( Figure 2.2 ) loop 5 , 6 , 7 .
53 The only council member who can be seen to be motivated by hostility to the family is William , lord Hastings .
54 Even the notorious " one consonant or two ? " problem can sometimes be solved this way : " reccommend " can be seen to be the wrong spelling because the word is made by adding the prefix " re " to the word " commend " .
55 There are few examples of their being scattered extensively and repeatedly used within a single text ; where this does happen , as for instance in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin , the practice can readily be justified by its thematic significance ( on which see further below ) , as again can be seen to be the case with the cornucopia of excrement that Robin drops on to the deservedly victimized Jouglet .
56 Moreover , the ideological shifts that did occur can be seen to be consistent outgrowths of earlier party positions ; they did not represent , as contemporary propagandists liked to suggest , an abandonment of previous principles .
57 Finally , the particle hmm is not dismissable as just a " performance error " or a " filled pause " ; it has specific interactional functions , best explicated in terms of the system for taking turns at speaking in conversation , where it can be seen to be ( amongst other things ) a turn-holding device ( see Chapter 6 ) .
58 Because they can be seen to be playing ball and yet benefit .
59 Making use of equations ( 8.36 ) and ( 8.37 ) , the simplifying condition on can be seen to be equivalent to which in practice simply means that the coil providing impedance must have a high Q-factor .
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