Example sentences of "can [be] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 and etcetera er I can be on that course ?
2 I can tell you it 's all expenses paid , it 's a fabulous trip , and er , we 'll tell you how perhaps , you can be on that plane to Sydney with us , later in the programme .
3 The Social Services department has a variety of equipment which can be on free loan to you if you are assessed to need it .
4 On Health Master , because it 's quite a common thing where employees can be on full pay for six months , then half for the next six months .
5 well you can be on another planet you know
6 Entries , which must not exceed 2,000 words , can be on any subject , fact or fiction and there is a separate section for poetry .
7 f The past 3 years have made us see how very interested GPs can be with this group .
8 She 's as satisfied with me as she can be with any man .
9 Our desire can be for physical satisfaction , for wealth , power or the need for recognition , for satisfying the intellect or our heart , or simply for the seeking of pleasure .
10 Loans can be for double glazing , cavity wall insulation , loft conversion , central heating — permanent improvements that make your home more comfortable to live in — and if you 're thinking of more than one improvement , a loan can be arranged to cover this .
11 Whilst we ask you to make regular monthly repayments , these can be for any sum from 1/10th to 1/25th of your borrowing limit to suit your pocket , and you can change the amount at any time .
12 The quantum model in physics contains the possibility that individual quanta can be at different energy levels .
13 Woodlands , however , can be at some distance , as people will only need to fetch firewood , poles , and so on for tools and fencing , or timber for construction , periodically .
14 Similarly , extensive pastures can be at some distance , since animals can be walked there and kept there for some time by herdsmen .
15 What is remarkable is how impervious a government can be to changing public opinion when insulated from the threat of political defeat by a substantial parliamentary majority .
16 I have just indicated one way in which criticism centred on the theory dependence of observation can be to some extent evaded by the inductivists , and I am convinced that they will be able to think of further ingenious defences .
17 Whilst our schools and colleges are offering some of these courses , traditionally the bulk of such courses are to be found in the county Colleges of F.E. They can be of one year duration or provide a route either to higher education or more advanced professional qualifications .
18 While academic literature is full of material on officer-councillor relationships , relatively little is known about relationships between departmental chiefs within the same authority , but these , obviously , can be of crucial significance .
19 When considering the effect of outside influences , two aspects can be of crucial importance .
20 The political moment — that period when moral attitudes are transformed into formally political action — can be of key importance in nuancing the regulation of sexuality , and at crucial times a moral schema has been of prime significance in political propaganda .
21 The retreat movement is only just beginning to establish itself north of the Border and I feel strongly that a quiet space can be of real benefit in today 's hectic and stressful lifestyle . ’ ‘
22 Quite the reverse , these become the trusted friends that truly understand and can be of real help in time of trouble .
23 The theory is nevertheless of a sort which can be of real use in a classroom .
24 This is because classical beams of radiation can be of arbitrary weakness .
25 It can be of higher breaking strain than the kiteline itself , as weight and drag will have only minimal effect on performance .
26 ‘ Tony , ’ he said , ‘ I do n't think I can be of much help to you .
27 I do n't think you can be of much help to me , Doctor .
28 Besides possessing rust-resistant properties , stainless is a very strong metal and the blade can be of thinner gauge than normal steel while still possessing the same strength .
29 The traveller or stranger can be of equal status ; this allows you to ask particularly useful questions in role : " How do you organise your meetings ?
30 If you live far from any natural source of running water , an ornamental fountain in a park or garden can be of equal value .
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