Example sentences of "can [be] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some LEAs are in the process of major reorganization themselves , so that heads can be on the receiving end of a stream of directives and initiatives that contradict and countermand each other quicker than they can be assimilated .
2 The systematic model of teaching illustrates how influential correctly used objectives can be on the whole teaching process from planning to assessment , and demonstrates the need for extreme care in choosing them .
3 ‘ Do n't you know how treacherous conditions can be on the Scottish mountains in the middle of winter ?
4 The deposits can be for the following terms : overnight , 1 week , or 1,2,3,4,5,6,9 or 12 months .
5 Caterham is as ready as it can be for the single European market , which is of critical importance since 60% of its production is exported .
6 If the Legal Aid Board , as the only party adversely affected by the proposed order , has the opportunity to challenge it but decides not to do so , one may ask rhetorically what possible objection of substance there can be to the existing practice .
7 The animals will become as well fitted as they can be to the local conditions .
8 Impairment can be of the sensory receptor , or of the pathway carrying the impulse to the brain , or of the brain 's interpreting ability .
9 The more a government squawks about ‘ individual freedoms ’ , ‘ non-intervention by the state ’ , ‘ private enterprise ’ , and the other great rallying calls of capital , the more certain one can be of the total control by that state of its citizens .
10 Photographs can be put to witnesses during the course of examination in and out of Court and can be of the utmost importance in cases where vague descriptions of a locus , machinery , etc. would be detrimental to advancing a strong defence in Court .
11 Input devices range from microphones that go into the external jack to compact disk players ; output can be through the internal speaker , or via stereo speakers or headphones plugged into the speaker jack .
12 SHe has eluded me completely , which leads me to believe SHe can be in the only place secure enough to hide from me , namely the Roirbak complex at Acropolis Park .
13 What a rock this can be in the shaky marriages around us .
14 We think we can be in the high teens or 20% going forward . ’
15 Even a kiss can be like the sharp end of a wedge which has the power to pierce our body chemistry , split open our emotional equilibrium and lead desires towards the bedroom far too prematurely .
16 The tabloid English of newspapers is a good example of how different the written word can be from the spoken .
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