Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] as the " in BNC.

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1 The revolt of the Bonn government against this antique thinking can be seen as the starting point for the great burst of German national assertion which culminated yesterday in the streets of Berlin .
2 There is another way in which Eastern Europe can be seen as the prototype of things to come — the flow of refugees from East Germany and the German minorities in other countries to their rich brother .
3 ‘ Other Costs ’ can be seen as the cost of developing the plot and their total will remain fairly constant in your budget , regardless of the size of dwelling you build .
4 These can be seen as the process of incrementalism , the influence of micro-political forces and the tendency of organisations to satisfice rather than optimise goals .
5 The national curriculum can be seen as the answer , albeit belated , to the demands of the Great Debate .
6 Readiness to learn can be seen as the possession of learning at lower levels of the hierarchy , necessary to begin learning the present task .
7 As only the better-off members could afford the piece of silver , this can be seen as the first sign that the classless Society of Archers was being taken over by the wealthier members .
8 The breath of nature can be seen as the interplay between the forces of yin and yang , flowing in currents known as Lung Mei ( dragon 's veins ) around the countryside in winding paths , often following contours .
9 The contrast with West Germany is sharp , for although the 1965 German equivalent of Traffic in Towns echoed Buchanan 's views on the need for the establishment of environmental standards , the response can be seen as the departure point for much of the environmental traffic management practised there since .
10 Subsoil No vines are planted on the alluvial soils close to the river , but on nearby higher ground Belemnite chalk can be seen as the major subsoil .
11 If one considers the Butte de Saran as separate from the headland of the Côte des Blancs , then the vineyards of Cuis can be seen as the northernmost edge of the Côte .
12 The industrial enterprise can be seen as the ‘ Third Area ’ or the area of cultural experience which arises out of attempts to reconcile the inner and the outer world .
13 Indeed as I have suggested in Chapter 1 , it can be seen as the business of applied linguistics to do just this .
14 The hearth can be seen as the physical structure of the home , and the fire as the spirit that illuminates it .
15 Graduated separatism , the acceptable face of separatism , can be seen as the ripples which pass outwards from this .
16 If , indeed , such principles are a feature of children 's attempts to understand adult language , it remains to be seen whether they can be seen as the outcome of earlier developmental processes or , as seems more likely , innate abilities and therefore features of Chomsky 's LAD .
17 The history of the theory of ideology within the Marxist tradition can be seen as the letting go of the materialist reduction that involved a differentiation between ideology and science as distinct modes of knowing , while retaining an account of ideology as a structural feature of society .
18 The advance and retardation of the pulses can be seen as the pulsar orbits the companion .
19 This idea can be seen as the converse of the mutational argument .
20 In much of this material there was little attempt to relate such antipathy and prejudice to a consistent and coherent theory of behaviour , but the assumption and arguments on which it was based can be seen as the origins of a racial nationalist ideology which was to be more rigorously formulated at a later date .
21 The invasion of Cambodia by US troops in 1970 can be seen as the high point in a twenty-year erosion of the legislature 's role in the making of foreign and defence policy .
22 Freud shares what can be seen as the main element in the sociological imagination , that is , to see what is regarded as commonplace action in a particular society , at particular points in time , as being itself in need of some explanation .
23 By the end of 1981 and into 1982 , however , these new outbreaks were occurring with a rapidity and density which in retrospect can be seen as the building blocks for a full-blown heroin ‘ epidemic ’ .
24 Adoption can be seen as the logical answer to infertility , but as Brebner et al ( 1985 ) point out , if medical investigations/treatment for infertility fail and are performed without adequate psychological support , the subsequent depression and disappointment can cause couples to jump at adoption without recognising those aspects of parenthood which are peculiar to adoptive parenthood , which include : having to be assessed and monitored ; absence of pregnancy and birth ; becoming attached to a child born to someone else ; having to tell the child he or she is adopted .
25 With hindsight , this can be seen as the first step in the transformation of Gloucester into the lord of the north , but this is to read too much into a single grant .
26 In many ways , the hygienists can be seen as the heirs of the Evangelicals ; here again , this trend of social attitudes towards infant care must be set in its broader context .
27 Foundationalism , viewed quite generally ( though here we must exclude Wittgenstein ) , can be seen as the expression of the empiricist thought that verification and justification , telling whether something is true and backing up one 's claims about what is true , must rely eventually upon the evidence of one 's senses ; not in the first instance , maybe , but at the end of the day .
28 The structure of society can be seen as the sum total of normative behaviour — the sum total of social relationships which are governed by norms .
29 And Greenness can be seen as the political wing of the New Age .
30 The new sociology of culture can be seen as the convergence , and at a certain point the transformation , of two clear tendencies : one within general social thought and then specifically sociology ; the other within cultural history and analysis .
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