Example sentences of "can [be] [verb] [prep] in " in BNC.

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1 They often can be related to in hierarchy terribly aggressive to his subordinates but the company or his boss quite often the position the attitude that we actually take passive , aggressive , assertive .
2 This state is characterised by a full differentiation of the individual as a person ( through the ego process ) from objects which can then be valued for their own sake and can be related with in both a giving and receiving fashion .
3 If very thick yarns are used , as they are in Chinese and other good quality items , the number of knots that can be tied per in 2 is understandably less than if thinner yarns are employed .
4 What is more , it can be done without in any way making the exhibition more ‘ dull ’ or ‘ serious ’ than it would otherwise be .
5 Sensitivity to oil fumes , coal smoke , paraffin fumes and other odours from heating systems can be tested for in the same way .
6 An actual reference sample can be dispensed with in practice and an empty sample pan used instead .
7 The need for a pragmatic component in an integrated theory of linguistic ability can be argued for in various ways .
8 But for many more the importance of relatives — especially of grandmothers — lies in their availability as people who can be called upon in a crisis , or as people to fall back on when other arrangements break down .
9 His acceptance of what he calls ‘ the doctrine of the manyness of reality ’ , by which he probably means that reality can be conceived of in many different ways , makes it possible for him to approve of the non-creative aspect of God as propounded by the Jains , and the creative aspect of God as propounded by Rāmānuja the foremost exponent of the Viśi ādvaita position .
10 The reason he gives for adopting this standpoint is that reality can be conceived of in many different ways all of which are equally valid .
11 However , the term general can be conceived of in a third way , in terms of the all-round development of the individual .
12 It is strange to see , however , how a ‘ supra-personal ’ quality can be hinted at in a girl or woman , coming close to the archetypal spirit .
13 Set a floppy so it can be written to in drive A.
14 Certainly there was the occasional spectacular apostasy from civilized values , as in the case of Jack Driberg , a Kenya Masai official who went native and then proceeded to a distinguished career as a lecturer in anthropology at Cambridge ; but on the whole the records , in so far as they can be relied on in such matters do not support this view .
15 This is because a tort and a breach of contract can be proceeded upon in the same action , whereas the distinction between criminal and civil law is more deeply marked .
16 What is more , there is a great deal of empirical evidence ( amassed over many years ) suggesting that human perception is the result of a non-introspectible process of construction , a process that takes a measurable amount of time and that can be interfered with in specific ways .
17 With the Gulf War over , the German leader 's anxious to dispel doubts that his country can be counted on in a crisis , and there are moves underway to change the German constitution , at least to allow German soldiers to join United Nations military peace-keeping operations .
18 Intermediate targets may be genuine targets which can be aimed for in their own right or they may be spurious targets if they are just subdivisions of the journey to the main target .
19 Premature deaths from cancer , asthma , diabetes , can be aimed at in just the same way .
20 By exploring the world in terms of the actions and their effects , young children come to realise that objects can be acted upon in different ways and that actions often result in objects changing their location ; they may be moved to a new place , positioned with respect to other objects or located on surfaces and in containers .
21 There may be items on the agenda relating to individual members of staff or children that are confidential and visitors to the governors ' meeting should naturally be asked to withdraw during discussion of these , but most items can be dealt with in open session .
22 One advantage of a letter is that all the points ( 1 ) to ( 4 ) can be dealt with in advance and so the interviewer is expected and time is saved in not having to go through all the verbal explanations .
23 Through a curious loophole in the present law Hart was able to plead guilty to motoring offences that can be dealt with in a magistrates court — and was jailed for only four months .
24 Nuisances can be dealt with in the same way : once again , assert yourself and , in a public place , draw attention to what they are doing .
25 The network news programmes provide only a ‘ headline service ’ , nothing can be dealt with in any depth and everything that is covered has to be supported by good televisuals .
26 They deny however , that non-litigation costs can be dealt with in such a manner .
27 Problems which recur regularly can be dealt with in a routine or standardised way , with the help of rules and procedures .
28 Of course , in practice , matters of substance can be dealt with in the technical setting .
29 These sessions are particularly appropriate where the bureau worker is of the opinion that the problem can be dealt with in one interview with a solicitor , but it is permissible for the solicitor taking the session to accept the interviewee as his or her own client if further advice is needed .
30 Equally the costs of the project can be dealt with in the same way .
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