Example sentences of "can [not/n't] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 At Forncett , the average rent per acre of lands leased was markedly lower in the fifteenth century than in the late fourteenth , although one can not tell from the published figures how far the fluctuations may have been due to variations in the quality of the particular pieces of land being leased at the time rather than to a general decline in rent levels .
2 You can not deduce from the fact that it was happening at the same time that it was a cause .
3 For you can not subtract from the conception of your pain that part of it which is you , the subject , and substitute the notion of another subject ( something like you but not you ) while supposing that the remainder ( the painfulness ) stays unchanged .
4 Being encouraged to resent what has often been the well-spring of their humanity , they can not grow from the experiences by accepting the inner scars as evidence of their worthy struggle to overcome themselves .
5 Similarly , the future lens cells can not detach from the sheet unless their CAMs change to allow them to let go of the neighbouring cells .
6 Richard Kinsey 's final warning is that while it would be inappropriate to translate research conducted in Scotland to England , ‘ vice versa you can not generalise from the experience south of the Border to Scotland where we have a very different style of policing , a very different system of juvenile justice and a very different welfare structure . ’
7 But you can not go from the reed-pipe to the art of fugue in one day .
8 However , ‘ 1929 holding companies ’ can not benefit from the lower dividend withholding tax rates provided in tax treaties or the European Community parent/subsidiary directive .
9 In addition , one citizen can not benefit from the successful formal objection of another citizen ; he must object in due time himself .
10 The opening of new offices may take place as part of a general expansion of the activities of a firm to additional locations ( though usually never so far away that they can not benefit from the goodwill attaching to headquarters ) or involve streamlining administration by establishing different departments in separate offices .
11 ‘ We can not part from the argument without expressing our belief that some trial judges would be troubled if they were told that their view , unguided as it is by any established practice and expressed in confidence , was to be determinate of the period to be served by a prisoner .
12 Michel Debré , a Prime Minister under de Gaulle and author of the constitution of the Vth Republic , declared that ‘ since in France government stability can not come from the electoral law , it must come from making governmental rules ’ , a classic statement justifying raison d'état and distrust of the people .
13 Since Pegasus was head of the Proculian school after Nerva , but Valens was later than both , we can not extract from the evidence a pattern based on chronology ; nor , since we find members of the same school on opposite sides , does it seem to be a matter of school dogma .
14 The idea that they vanish completely from existence seems to offend against logic , yet they can not escape from the black hole .
15 Nuclear weapons can not escape from the kinds of restraints built up carefully in the laws-of-war tradition over the centuries , but there is a risk that they may be thought to be so escaping ( especially in view of the UK and US reservations to 1977 Geneva Protocol I ) unless positive action in this direction is taken , The comparative neglect of the whole subject of laws-of-war restrictions on the use of nuclear weapons has endured for forty years , for reasons which can be understood if not approved .
16 " Hell is oneself , " Edward exclaims because he , like the others , can not escape from the small circle of his selfhood .
17 Although he can not escape from the linearity of language ( see 7.2 , 7.5.3 ) , James does the next best thing , which is to fasten our attention initially on the most immediate feature of Pemberton 's predicament : his uncomfortable sense of indecision , and then to expatiate on it so that by the time we have threaded our way through two paragraphs , we have built up a sensitive grasp of the coexisting intricacies and ironies of that predicament ( the ironies will concern us in section C below ) .
18 Secondly , a man can not escape from the consequences , as regards innocent third parties , of signing a document if , being a man of ordinary education and competence , he chooses to sign it without informing himself of its purport and effect .
19 Words , the authors argue , are really a barrier between us and the world ; we can not escape from the structure of our language , and the structure of our language and the structure of the world are far from being identical .
20 One can not escape from the world unless one rejects all the potential dangers it involves .
21 In order to achieve the second objective , the drafter will seek to ensure that the other party can not escape from the contract and that , if necessary , the contract can be enforced by quick , and procedurally simple methods , such as liquidated rather than unliquidated claims .
22 How sad that people can not learn from the Houys !
23 EARL OF SELBORNE L.C. : My Lords , upon the construction of the agreement of December 21 , 1876 , I can not differ from the conclusion in which both the courts below were agreed .
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